4046 examples of organizations in sentences

It is so light that the most delicate organizations may readily eat it.

Nearly 250 miles of road were graded, on which the state foreclosed and a few years later donated the same to new organizations.

During the campaign of 1860 the Wide Awakes and the Little Giants were the uniformed political organizations intended to attract the attention of voters.

They were St. Paul organizations and most all of their members were St. Paul boys.

Meetings were held throughout the valley and organizations were springing into existence for the purpose of overpowering the strong guard at Mankato and wreaking summary justice upon the Indians.

Scores of poor soldiers who were languishing in hospital tents on the sunburnt and treeless prairies of the Dakotas, or suffering from disease contracted in the miasmatic swamps of the rebellious South have had their hearts gladdened and their bodies strengthened by being supplied with the delicacies collected through the efforts of the noble and patriotic ladies of this and kindred organizations throughout the state.

Many a melee occurred between the different organizations because they considered that they had not been properly recognized in the line of march or had not been awarded a medal for throwing a stream of water farther than other competitors.

The first parade occurred on the 12th of September, 1859, and was participated in by the following organizations: Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company No. 1.

So the Roman Catholic and many Protestant Churches have in their organizations and in their dogmatic systems eternalized institutions and ideas whose unchangeableness has come to retard spiritual progress.

The government expected a nation-wide propaganda by the German interests which would be carried on secretly and boldly, in every conceivable way, to alienate the labor organizations, to bribe or menace the harvesters, to despoil crops, and particularly to put obstacles in the way of the raising and harvesting, the transporting and storing of wheat.

The labor organizations and the commercial companies and corporations pitted themselves against each other consciously.

Adjoining this particular rest billet was another of similar character run by the K. of C., which was also well patronized; indeed there seemed to be a friendly rivalry between the organizations to discover which could spread the most sunshine and cheer abroad.

The effect of such a policy would be of course to enormously strengthen the effective power of labour-organizations.

Whether the State or private organizations undertake the work, our colonizing process must begin at home.

It is beginning to be felt that the State cannot afford to allow the right of private social experiment on the part of charitable organizations.

But the small scale and tentative character of most of these organizations do not yet afford any adequate test of what Unionism can achieve.

Now labour organizations are necessarily strong and effective, in proportion as the labourers are thrown together constantly both in their work and in their leisure, have free and frequent opportunities of meeting and discussion, of educating a sense of comradeship and mutual confidence, which shall form a moral basis of unity for common industrial action.

I gladly admit that theatrical art owes much, in both countries, to voluntary organizations of intelligent or would-be intelligent playgoers, who have combined to provide themselves with forms of drama which specially interest them, and do not attract the great public.

Though our organizations remained entirely distinct, we worked together, and they had the advantage of a hospital to which they could always bring their patients, whilst we had the services of the smartest ambulance corps on the Continent.

The qualities required for the satisfactory working of a hospital and the successful running of an ambulance are so distinct that I am sure that the ideal arrangement is to have two entirely distinct organizations working in harmony.

These great commercial cities were also great military organizations, and there were few wars in the turbulence of the Middle Ages in which Ypres did not have a share.

The salvation of the world will be worked out if there is at least one well disposed nation that stands firmly for specialized industrial organizations.

Since it is in these specialized industries that the individual should find his best opportunity to produce the greatest wealth for a given expenditure of effort, such organizations should be maintained and all others should be gradually changed over so as to make the most economical use of the man power of the nation.

We have found by experience that industrial organizations are successful if they specialize.

UNITARIANISM I. THE COMMUNITIES Having now followed the fortunes of the Unitarians up to the point where they obtained a recognized position among religious organizations, we need not enter into the minute details of their denominational history.

4046 examples of  organizations  in sentences