23 examples of oriflammes in sentences

But I see my way most clearly through D'Arc; and the result isthat he would greatly have preferred not merely a turnip to his father, but the saving a pound or so of bacon to saving the Oriflamme of France.

An oriflamme of scarlet burned in the west, flickered dully in the dirty, curdling water, flared against the windows of the Pemberton, which quivered and dripped, Asenath thought, as if with blood.

Asenath started from her pleasant dreaming just as the oriflamme was furling into gray, suddenly conscious that she was not alone.

To Lorenzo, however, was reserved the distinction of placing upon that mighty column its magnificent copestone, and he adorned it with the sevenfold balls of his escutcheon, whilst on the summit he held unfurled the great Red Cross Oriflamme of Florence.

The moon, as bright and handsome as a new twenty-dollar piece, carried herself straight before us,a splendid oriflamme.

The white plume was the distinctive mark of the House of Bourbon. Oriflamme, or Auriflamme (lit.

"And if my standard-bearer fall, as fall full well he may, For never saw I promise yet of such a bloody fray, Press where ye see my white plume shine, amidst the ranks of war, And be your Oriflamme to-day the helmet of Navarre.

The maid of Domrémy was about to change her distaff for an oriflamme.

Of a sudden the sky was hung with bannersbanners that rippled and folded and unfolded, banners of rainbows, long, shaking loops of red and silver, ghosts of lost emeralds and sapphires, oriflammes that fluttered in the heavens, swaying across the world in mysterious majesty.

No oriflamme of battle Is that false radiance round yon impish brow.

Frederick Barbarossa was already dead in Asia Minor, and the German army was already broken up, when, on the 24th of June, 1190, Philip Augustus went and took the oriflamme at St. Denis, on his way to Vezelai, where he had appointed to meet Richard, and whence the two kings, in fact, set out, on the 4th of July, to embark with their troops, Philip at Genoa, and Richard at Marseilles.

" In June, 1248, Louis, after having received at St. Denis, together with the oriflamme, the scrip and staff of a pilgrim, took leave, at Corbeil or Cluny, of his mother, Queen Blanche, whom he left regent during his absence, with the fullest powers.

The galley which bore the oriflamme was one of the first to touch.

"At sight of the numerous banners, above which rose the oriflamme, close to Taillebourg, and of such a multitude of tents, one pressing against another and forming as it were a large and populous city, the King of England turned sharply to the Count of La Marche, saying, 'My father, is this what you did promise me?

He was quite close to the king's tent, and some chroniclers say that he was already lifting his mace over the head of Philip, who had armed in hot haste, and was defended only by a few knights, of whom one was waving the oriflamme round him, when others hurried up, and Zannequiii was forced to stay his hand.

The Negro Soldiers JESSIE FAUSET La Vie C'est la Vie Christmas Eve in France Dead Fires Oriflamme Oblivion ANNE SPENCER Before the Feast of Shushan At the Carnival The Wife-Woman Translation Dunbar ALEX ROGERS Why Adam Sinned The Rain Song WAVERLEY TURNER CARMICHAEL Keep Me, Jesus, Keep Me Winter Is Coming ALICE DUNBAR-NELSON Sonnet CHARLES

ORIFLAMME "I can remember when I was a little, young girl, how my old mammy would sit out of doors in the evenings and look up at the stars and groan, and I would say, 'Mammy, what makes you groan so?'

My Hero My Little Dreams Negro Love Song, A Negro Poets Negro Serenade Negro Singer, The Negro Soldiers, The New Day, The O Black and Unknown Bards Oblivion Ol' Doc' Hyar Oriflamme

Once more you follow in Bellona's train, (Her train de luxe) in search of cheap réclame; Once more you flaunt your rearward oriflamme, A valiant eagle nosing out the slain.

It was the last battle in which the oriflamme was displayed; and well it might be; for, red as it was, it must have blushed a deeper red over the folly of the French commanders.

Est-ce qu'il est permis d'aller dans les abîmes Reculer la limite effroyable des crimes De voler, oui, ce sont des vols, de faire un tas D'abominations, de maux et d'attentats, De tuer des enfants et de tuer des femmes, Sous prétexte qu'on fut, parmi les oriflammes Et les clairons, sacré devant le monde entier Par

ORIFLAMME (i. e. flame of gold), the ancient banner of the kings of France, borne before them as they marched to war; it was a red flag mounted on a gilded staff, was originally the banner of the abbey of St. Denis, and first assumed as the royal standard by Louis VI.

But they need hear him speak only once in public to learn that he is not a mere flag which is followed or sworn by, but that he is in person the gonfalonière in whose hands is the good banner, the oriflamme of the nations.

23 examples of  oriflammes  in sentences