98 examples of oughter in sentences

Well, she'd oughter do gret things with that 'ere meetin'-'us o' her'n for the chickens; it's kinder genteel-lookin', and I spose they've got means; they've got ability.

You'd oughter let 'em hev that old adobe.

"Yes; we did oughter," assented Mrs. Spafford.

I'd oughter hev asked 'em, I s'pose, but I never thought o' that.

" "But I oughter have seven.

Sorrel's only half-way to the color of her top-knot, an' it do seem like red oughter to soot red.

to that First-Class C.P.O. The splendid Petty Officer fell flat upon the deck; They bore him to the Sick Bay just a weak and worthless wreck; But an A.B. who was standing by had caught the wicked word And told the Duty Officer exactly what occurred: "Boy Simpkins (Second Class, too!), which I think yer oughter know, Sir, 'Ad the lip ter mutter 'Blast you!'

" "But, of co'se," aunt Milly went on, "havin' los' my ole man de way I did, it has tuk me some time fer ter git my feelin's straighten' out like dey oughter be.

" "Yer oughter come; and that minds me I've never saan ye around the village, for which I axes yees the raison?" "Me ain't Siouxdon't like 'em.

You doan 'pear ter be ez fon' er me ez you oughter be.' "Chloe did n' keer nuffin fer Hannibal, en had n' keered nuffin fer 'im, en she sot des ez much sto' by Jeff ez she did de day she fus' laid eyes on 'im. En de mo' fermilyus dis yer Hannibal got, de mo' Chloe let her min' run on Jeff, en one ebenin' she went down ter de qua'ters en watch', 'tel she got a chance fer ter talk wid 'im by hisse'f.

He oughter be'n back in ha'f a' hour, but he come pokin' home 'bout dinner-time wid a screw-driver stidder a monkey wrench.

"'Yer des oughter look at dat nigger; reckon yer would n' want 'im fer yo' junesey

I oughter, but I don't.

The two De Burghs, as already stated, seized upon the Connaught possessions of their cousin, and divided them, taking the one Galway and the other Mayo, and calling themselves McWilliam Eighter and McWilliam Oughter, or the Nether and the Further Burkes.

Mothers oughter be more careful while carrying dar chilluns not ter git scared of enthing foh dey will sho mark dar babies wid turrible ugly things.

"Nigger aint got no business being sot free, niggers still oughter be slaves.

All dese high falutin things dey is doin now in child birth is tommy-rot dey oughter hev jes grannies now.

Nobody oughter mess wid God's ground.

"You oughter do cowboy stunts for the movin' pictures, Number Six, you ought really.

"I oughter a-told yer.

"But you oughter be keerful how you talk that way to a white man," he said.

"The Old Man oughter been here to see this," said the Left Bower; "it's just one

Yer's the Pontiac that oughter be bringin' in, ez rents go, at least three hundred a month, don't make her taxes.

"Well," was the reply, "you see it's this way: Last winter I went to church, an' it was called 'Piscopal, an' I heerd them say that they left undone the things what they'd oughter done

An' I oughter too, seeing as I wos 'ed gardener to the Dook of FITZ-FUZZ for close on twenty year, afore the rheumaticks took me like wot you see.

98 examples of  oughter  in sentences