742 examples of outburst in sentences

The expression of Estada's face promised an outburst of profanity, but, instead of giving it utterance, he lifted his cap in a sudden pretense at gallantry.

cried she, with another passionate outburst.

It was his passionate outburst of revolt against life, whose drear talons seemed to have fastened themselves into his very soul, which had sent him out with murder in his brain to seek the man who had robbed him of the one thing which stood between him and despair; the pent-up fury of a lifetime which had tingled in his blood and had given him the strength of the navvy in those few minutes by the canal side.

She told herself that he was bluffing, that it was simply the outburst of a disappointed man.

Beatrice, after the breakdown of her one passionate outburst, had become wonderfully meek and tractable.

I do not sayto change my similethat he is the first visible root in our literature whence we can follow the outburst of the flowers and foliage of our delight in nature: I could show a hundred fibres leading from the depths of our old literature up to the great root.

But about the same time when Thomson's Seasons was published, which was in 1730, the third year of George II., that life which had burned on in the hidden corners of the church in spite of the worldliness and sensuality of its rulers, began to show a flame destined to enlarge and spread until it should have lighted up the mass with an outburst of Christian faith and hope.

The spirit moved upon the waters of feeling, and the new undulation broke on the shores of thought in an outburst of new song.

When this became known, the outburst of patriotic feeling was so intense among all classes in England that the queen did not hesitate to put Lord Howard, a Catholic, in command of the English fleet.

Girlie's soft voice was poured like oil on the troubled billows of Babe's outburst.

He was to all appearances as unmoved by the outburst of feeling into which the older man had been surprised as though it had been something in a play.

I had made a pretext to write to Juliet and had received a reply quite frank and friendly in tone, by which I knew that she had notas some women would have doneset the blame upon me for our temporary outburst of emotion.

There was a violent outburst against England in all of the newspapers of Germany.

"Don't cry, my darling," said he, as she gave rent to a fresh outburst of tears.

The intense effect of these spiritual agencies was realized in the outburst of heroic fury in 1813.

The explosion at Rutland had been as nothing, it seemed, to the outburst in the Downey home.

Their appearance was the signal for a tremendous outburst of firing on the part of the Turkish snipers, and a moment later the two 77-millimetre German guns which had been brought from Gaba Tepe changed the direction of their fire from the beach to the advancing troops.

An extravagance of this kind was only the outburst of generous friendship.

The removal of the mask has led to an outburst of plain speaking on these subjects, which to Mr. Napier's generation would have seemed simply incredible.

Forget the uniform, this sectional war, and let us simply be man and womancan you not?" She did not answer, her hand yet held in mine, so startled by my sudden outburst as to be helpless.

" I had nothing to say to this outburst, feeling that back of it were facts into which I had no right to probe, and we rode along quietly.

He at once began to address Florence as his undoubted future spouse, very slyly using words adapted for that purpose: and she, without any outburst of her intention,as she had made when discussing the matter with her cousin,answered him in the same spirit, and by degrees came so to talk as though the matter were entirely settled.

This of course was but a little outburst of the great tide of vain self-estimation which the man had cherished within his breast for years.

And we know, too, the outburst of almost delirious delight that swept from end to end of England at the virtual acquittal of the persecuted Caroline.

Sometimes, we are told, the lights would be extinguished, and the orgy continued under the cover of darkness, until the Regent suddenly opened a cupboard, in which lights were concealedto an outburst of shrieks of laughter at the scenes revealed.

742 examples of  outburst  in sentences