216794 examples of outing in sentences

After permission for the outing was gained from all the parents concerned everything was bustle and excitement.

Never before in her life had Myrtle enjoyed an outing, except for an hour or two in a city park; never before had she known a friend to care for her and sympathize honestly with her griefs.

But they were thoroughly enjoying this outing and nothing very disagreeable had happened to them so far.

It was on their return from such a day's outing that Myrtle met with her life's greatest surprise.

Mrs. Heron, of course, knew that they were going, but she was not told in so many words, that she might deny all knowledge of it if the outing came to Mr. Heron's ears; and she watched them with a peevish and suspicious expression on her face as they started for the train.

If I'm able to show you where to put your finger on three 'undred pounds when you come 'ome it'll be the cheapest outing you have ever 'ad.

"They were a nasty pair of chaps, and would have thought as much of 'outing' you as they would of drinking a pot of ale.

The tiger's den is barred and locked, and the British Government keeps the key, but the ape has an appointed day in the year on which he shall have his outing.

Their shopping tour was a gay affair, because it was their last outing.

On Saturday afternoons and holidays these clubhouses are surrounded by gayly dressed people enjoying an outing, and at all times groups of natives may be seen scattered from one end of the Maidan to the other, sleeping, visiting, and usually resting in the full glare of the fierce sun.

When a motor-bus comes and takes off a group of officers for the day, and brings them back at night, one would scarcely imagine that they had been to a cricket match, or on the annual outing.

Last year I went with the intention of buying substantial blue serge for an outing gown, and was led astray by some gayly flowered muslins.

She has bought an outing hat without strings, trimmed with fluffy white, she takes her work out under the trees in a basket, and has given up tying her head in a thin and a thick veil every time she drives out.

"We've certainly been doing a lot of that on this outing!

In a day or two, Mr. Lagrange and I will start to the mountains, for an outing.

Hope you have a good outing and come back to find all your art treasures safe."

" The artist continued, "A month ago, Conrad Lagrange and I came into the mountains for an outing.

The artist had intended to return the gloves the day before, together with a book of trout-flies which the girl had also forgotten; but, in his eagerness for the day's outing, he had gone off without them.

Mr. Loveday's little outing and other sad stories.

Father, mother, and six or seven children in one party, with the air of cheerfulness and light-heartednessan air of those who have no burdens to carry, and no bills to pay, which characterises the Continental middle class on its Sunday outing.

But though the outing was feasible and well planned, it was not to be.

But their visits to the city do not civilise them; the outing only broadens the horizon of their views in regard to foreigners, and makes them more ambitious to secure one, and see what he is like, and cut off his ears, and get his money.

" Leroy, always liberal with his wife and children, spared neither pains nor expense to have them prepared for their summer outing.

The LunetaFavorite Outing Grounds of Manila, and a Place for Executing Insurgents 96.

He spoke as though he were planning a summer outing.

216794 examples of  outing  in sentences