9 examples of outlanders in sentences

The process was soon finished, and the judge in his red robes stood up and sentenced us to the galleys for life; bidding us admire the mercy of the law to Outlanders, for had we been but Dutchmen, we should sure have hanged.

THE GUARDIAN OF GOD'S ACRE As far as the eye could apprehend him, he was palpably an outlander.

The interloper was young and quite exquisite of raiment, which alone would have marked him for an outlander.

She advertised feebly in the "Where to Eat" columns, catching a few stray outlanders, but for the most part people didn't come.

He was pallid, meagerly built, stoop-shouldered, bristly-haired, pock-marked, and stiff-gaited, with a face which would have been totally insignificant but for an obstinate chin and a pair of velvet-black, pathetically questioning eyes; and he was incurably an outlander.

Some outlander, ignorant of our traditions, prescribed in a malevolent squeak: "T'row 'er in the drink.

You had to take a dingy way train up to the main line if you were going the long day's journey to New York, so that the Center of the name was often construed facetiously by outlanders.

He gazed insolently at Max, and said in Italian to his companions: "There is the loutish outlander, who boasted before the duke that he would fight me.

"Will you fight, outlander?" were the first words of my lathy friend from the entry.

9 examples of  outlanders  in sentences