179 examples of outran in sentences

But we, being unable to get our car across, turned northward along the river bank and drove furiously and, after a mile or two, outran the foremost Infantry patrols (I think, of the Royal Warwicks), who were pushing cautiously forward, searching the woods and farmhouses for lurking rearguards.

They all ran home and Kurt outran them all.

The practical fusion of these peoples into one people outran the legal bargain.

He seems to have taken Shirley as his master; but desire in the pupil's case outran performance.

His expenditure far outran his income.

His anticipations were far outran by the reality.

The young man soon outran his allowance and got into debt; the good advice he seems to have failed to utilise, and in fact gave his father considerable anxiety.

It finally outran the pursuing section and was stopped at Megilp.

When flying with their own young, the greater part of them will run nearly twice as fast as an ordinary man, for the cubs cling to them with both feet and hands, but as my poor William shrunk from the monster's touch, he was obliged to embrace him closely with one paw, and run on three, and still in that manner he outran me.

Besides, their pace was formal, grave, and slack; His nimble wit outran the heavy pack.

"I heard my mother say that in slavery times the man worked all day with weights on their feet so when night come they take them off and their feet feel so light they could outran the Ku Klux.

It fell out of the tree, everybody took to their heels, white and colored, the white men outran the colored hunter, leading the gang.

Doubtless much of this startling effect was the result of association, the agitation of anxiety, the influence of the impressive text, the suddenness of the apparition, the unusual light; but in the figure of Macbeth, at which alone we gazed, there was a life, a terrible significance, that outran all these causes.

Kill!", while their acts easily outran their speech.

For these intellectual duels with Douglas, he possessed a power of analysis that easily outran and circumvented the "Little Giant's" most extraordinary gymnastics of argument.

All parties entered upon the political canvass with considerable spirit; but the chances of the Republicans were so manifestly superior that their enthusiasm easily outran that of all their competitors.


She sprang to her feet and ran lightly up-stairs; but, fast as she fled, thought outran her slender flying feet, and she came at last very leisurely into Celia's room, a subdued, demure opportunist, apparently with nothing on her mind and conscience, "If I may have the carriage at ten, Celia, I'll begin on the Destitute Children to-morrow. . . .

The other likewise ran to camp at the sound of the shot; but Mansker outran him, reached the camp first, and picked up an old gun that was on the ground; but the gun would not go off, and the Indian turned and escaped.

His speed was so great and his wind so good that he fairly outran his pursuers; but by ill-luck, when almost exhausted, he came against another party of Indians.

His son Israel was slain, and he himself was cut off from the river; but turning abruptly to one side, he broke through the ranks of the pursuers, outran them, swam the river, and returned unharmed to Bryan's Station.

The boys tried to drive him away, knowing that the hornets would get in his long hair, but Bruno's curiosity outran his caution and he plunged into the midst of the swarm and was soon completely covered.

Thus a considerable part of Ireland was enlisted on the side of James II, and shared the misfortunes which presently overtook himor in truth did not overtake him, as the valiant gentleman outran them and escaped.

In my excitement I outran my companions and dashed into an open glade.

Famished wolves dogged his steps, but he outran them on his snow-shoes.

179 examples of  outran  in sentences