33 examples of outvote in sentences

If, however, two provinces, Upper Canada and Lower Canada, were to be erected, then the English-speaking minority in Lower Canada would be outvoted three or four to one.

Minorities, so long as they remain minorities, are, and ought to be, outvoted; but under arrangements which enable any assemblage of voters, amounting to a certain number, to place in the legislature a representative of its own choice, minorities cannot be suppressed.

His detractors, however, though outvoted, have not been silenced.

Prince Bülow's "safe Parliamentary majority" means, of course, a majority sufficient to outvote the Social Democrats, with whom every German Government has to reckon as a permanent opposition.

We need a permanent Concert, perhaps a permanent Common Council, in which every awkward problem can be dealt with before it has time to grow dangerous, and in which outvoted minorities must accustom themselves to giving way.

He speaks of "outvoted minorities.

" Let us suppose the refractory country to be Great Britain, outvoted on some question relating to sea-power.

Of whom will the outvoted minority consist?

I may be outvoted, but I shall not be convinced.

That they had as good a right to resume their seats as the members who had been expelled by Cromwell could hardly be doubted; but they were royalists, still adhering to the principles which they professed during the treaty in the Isle of Wight, and from their number, had they been admitted, would have instantly outvoted the advocates of republicanism.

Each century had one vote; and as by the Servian arrangement the first class, though containing fewest voters, had nevertheless, owing to its highest assessment, most votes, it could by itself outvote the other classes.

He continued to oppose the measures of the Administration; he did all in his power to hasten the coming of peace; he worked and voted for the election of McClellan to the Presidency, and when he and the other eminent men who believed as he did were outvoted, he bowed to the will of the majority with many misgivings as to the future.

Morse was outvoted but not convinced, and I shall make but one quotation from a letter of November 9, to his brother Richard, who had also remained firm in spite of his brother's pleading: "My consolation is in looking up, and I pray you may be so enlightened that you may be delivered from the delusions which have ensnared you, and from the judgments which I cannot but feel are in store for this section of the country.

This meant, in substance, that orthodox voters were outvoted by heterodox voters who had not enrolled themselves by a religious pledge.

But the prior and podesta were equally outvoted, for the roar of the multitude was twice as loud as before.

But Saunders was outvoted.

"You see, Hiram," said Mrs. Whitney, good-humoredly, "your children outvote you.

But in this they were constantly outvoted by other sects of philosophers, neither for fame nor number less than themselves: so that all arguments brought against them from divinity would come in by way of overplus to their confutation.

There was, undoubtedly, a large minority who were averse to his being deposed in the first instance but, being outvoted, the decree of deposition was passed.

Because women will form a solid party and outvote men. 9. Because men and women are so different that they must stick to different duties.

[Footnote 1: Mr. Pitt had lately resigned the office of Secretary of State, on being outvoted in the Cabinet, which rejected his proposal to declare war against Spain; and he had accepted a pension of £3,000 a year and a peerage for his wifeacts which Walpole condemns in more than one letter, and which provoked comments in many quarters.]

When, however, he appeared in the Reichstag to explain and defend the policy adopted by the Council, then he stood before them as representative not necessarily of his own policy, but of that which had been decided on by a board in which he had possibly been outvoted.

Now Rockingham and his friends needed aid from somebody to give them the strength to outvote Grenville and the Tories.

Hundreds of men poured over the boundary of Missouri, outvoted the free-soil settlers in Kansas, and then went home.

By 1857 the free-state voters had become so numerous that it was no longer possible to outvote them by bringing men from Missouri, and they chose a free-state legislature.

33 examples of  outvote  in sentences