29 examples of over-anxious in sentences

THIRD WILLIAM MORRIS says: "It is right and necessary that all men should have work to do which shall be worth doing, and be of itself pleasant to do: and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome, nor over-anxious.

Then she'll come over at once, and you'll have to go to bed.' 'My dear Edith,' said Bruce, 'you're over-anxious; I shall do nothing of the kind.

Miss Unwin, over-anxious not to make a scene, followed, but did not seek to deter her, until they were once again by themselves in the centre of the room.

He did not seem over-anxious to talk but he met her troubled face with calm and unvarying, though somewhat absent-minded courtesy.

But I think in your very naturaleraffection for Lady Mary"the word stuck in his throat"you are, perhaps, over-anxious.

The merchant burdened with the cares of business life, the soldier on the long march, the ambitious student over-anxious to win success in his studies, the housewife wearied with her many hours of exacting toil, each would make the task lighter, and would get through it with less loss of vital force, by occasionally devoting a few minutes to absolute rest in entire relaxation of the strained muscles and overtaxed nerves.

Ease, dear Madam, I beseech you, my over-anxious heart, by one line, by the bearer, although but one line, to acquaint me (as surely you can) that her honour is unsullied.

These last indeed were not very plentiful in England, and the over-anxious legislators seem only to have had in view a little band of German preachers, who had converted one woman, and who had themselves at a late council at Oxford been branded, flogged, and driven out half-naked, so that there was by this time probably not one who had not perished in the cold.

She wasn't over-anxious to talk to me on the steamer, I noticed, and I didn't bother her much.

As a degree of longitude measures less than twenty-eight statute miles at the polar circles, this is coming within a day's run of the spot, so far as longitude is concerned; and nearer than that we do not intend to carry the over-anxious reader, let his curiosity be as lively as it may.

there did be no thing to set me in unease; and I told Mine Own that she keep a sharp and steadfast watching, and not to heed me; and this I said, because I knew she did be like otherwise to look at me and be over-anxious, as I go upward to the cave; and, indeed, she to be better anyway in watch of the Gorge, and to cry out to me, if that anything came anigh, whilst that I went upward.

If I am over-anxious, it is because I have let my hopes of fame as a bookseller rest upon the establishment and celebrity of this journal.

"Nothing serious, I assure you, sir: unless you are come to announce any fresh symptom." "Oh, nonot at allthat isI was passing on my way to the quay, and thought it as well to have your own assurance; Mrs. Vavasour is so over-anxious.

They were obviously over-anxious to play safe to the last.

They came down no more that day from the fjeld, thinking best, no doubt, not to show themselves over-anxious.

Like a fisherman over-anxious for the peace of the cod in his tank, the philosophic Emperor tried to stamp the catfish down, and hoped to preserve a philosophic quietude by the martyrdom of Christians in those flourishing municipalities on the Rhone.

"She was over-anxious and excited about your welfare.

You remember Who said, "Take no thought"that is, no over-anxious and over-careful thought"for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.

But he seemed to me to embody a Frenchman's ideal notion of the Latin poet; something a little more cut and dry than I had looked for; compact and elegant, critical and acute, with a consciousness of authorship upon him; a taste over-anxious not to commit itself, and refining and diminishing nature as in a drawing-room mirror.

Political science in the past was mainly based, on conceptions of human nature, but the discredit of the dogmatic political writers of the early nineteenth century has made modern students of politics over-anxious to avoid anything which recalls their methods.

I was over-anxious to see you settled in life, and never considered what might be the consequences for her.

Art blind as Ibrahim Mahmud the Weeper," growled that burly Native Officer as the zealous and over-anxious young sentry cried out and pointed to where, in the moonlight, the returning reconnoitring-patrol was to be seen as it emerged from the lye-bushes of the dry river-bed.

The squire kept a large head of pheasants for certain reasons, but he was not over-anxious to pay for them.

Not many months before, he had been the target of much ridicule, being held over-anxious about a coming storm.

This came out in little things; he was over-anxious at the table lest the hospitality should come short, troubled about the supply of butter and apple-sauce, and soon after I saw him on his knees on the hearth taking care that the fire should catch the wood to abate the evening coolness that was gathering in the room.

29 examples of  over-anxious  in sentences