8 examples of over-fatigues in sentences

Christ comes into the world and says: Over-fatigue is abnormal.

The one who lives and works, as God meant her to live and work, will never feel over-fatigue.

Being once over-fatigued in Carnival time by the exercise of his profession, he was seized with a violent fever, and on the fourth or fifth day, fell into a lethargy, which continued upon him for a considerable time.

It has been said by some writers, that a ride ought never to exceed the length of half an hour; but no positive rule can be given, except to avoid over-fatigue.

'I suppose I am over-fatigued: that I have done too much in London and here.

This, however, is a matter of the greatest indifference to the Brazilian ladies, who certainly never over-fatigue themselves with reading or working.

The Church does not require great exertions from you, and the service of God does not destroy you from over-fatigue, though it kills you with hunger.

He finally rested at this little coast town, aged, at thirty-five years, by over-fatigue and privations, after an entire passage of the African continent, which had taken two years and nine months of his life.

8 examples of  over-fatigues  in sentences