13 examples of over-full in sentences

She viewed the comfortable appointments about her a little wistfully, for Mrs. Pendomer's purse was not over-full.

the days grew over-full of pain, and Marina came more often to the Mater Dolorosa, for the little Zuane had not grown stronger with the coming of the spring; sleep came to him more easily, but it did not bring refreshment, and the roses on his cheeks were only signs of failing bloom.

It was a damp, unwholesome place, the street in which she lived, cut short by a broken fence, a sudden steep, and the water; filled with children,they ran from the gutters after her, as she passed,and filled to the brim; it tipped now and then, like an over-full soup-plate, and spilled out two or three through the break in the fence.

Fine ladies with over-full hearts, and seedy gentlemen with over-empty pockets, jostle each other at her door; and she has a smile, and a repartee, and good, cunning, practical wisdom for each and every one of them, and then dismisses them to bill and coo with Claude, and laugh over everybody and everything.

No, it was not she whom he loved, but she had just made the over-full cup run over.

Leslie grew silent, with the hours of over-full delight.

Life's latitude leant over-full; The judgment perished, too.

Life's latitude leant over-full; The judgment perished, too.

This is the last drop in an already over-full cup.

" "God made the world to relieve an over-full creative thought,as musicians sing, as we talk, as artists sketch, when full of suggestions.

The worst of the cottages must be pulled down, and as they were all even over-full, he must contrive to build first.

It was a large booth, somewhat over-full; and the company consisted mainly of Parisian blue blouses, little foot-soldiers, grisettes (for there were grisettes in those days, and plenty of them), with a sprinkling of farm-boys and dairy-maids from the villages round about.

Julius thought almost as much as Jenny could do of the means of recalling Archie; but it was necessary to wait until he could communicate with Mr. Moy, and his hands were still over-full, for though much less fatal, the fever smouldered on, both in Wil'sbro' and Compton, and as St. Nicholas was a college living which had hitherto been viewed as a trump card, it might be a long time going the round of the senior fellows.

13 examples of  over-full  in sentences