125 examples of overestimate in sentences

In giving credit for the work of Griffith's infield, the inclination is to overestimate the worth of the new stars.

Professor Royce argues that "in the mere persistence of the playful child one has a factor whose value for mental initiative it is hard to overestimate."

I'm afraid you've got a tendency to overestimate the gullibility of people in general.

It is impossible to overestimate the sacredness and importance of the mother-spirit in the universe, but the father-spirit is not positively valueless (so far as it goes).

It is therefore impossible to overestimate the practical importance of literature, which preserves these ideals from fathers to sons, while men, cities, governments, civilizations, vanish from the face of the earth.

It would be difficult to overestimate the beneficent influence which Mrs. Carlyle exerted over her husband in those trying days of poverty and spiritual stress.

All are necessarily descriptions of the behavior of individuals who had been trained not for psychological purposes but for the vaudeville stage, and although such observations unquestionably have certain value for comparative psychology, it is well known that unless an observer knows the history of an act, he is not able to evaluate it in terms of intelligence and is especially prone to overestimate its value as evidence of ideation.

It is not easy to overestimate its value, whether intrinsically, or as an aid to intelligent and refining study.

"Because," I was told, "your shadow fell on it and defiled it!" One can hardly overestimate the boon a man like Dr. Russel is to a district.

He did not overestimate his own abilities.

Its supremacy and power it is impossible to overestimate; it enters every avenue of development, and it may be set down as the prime factor in the world's progress.

The heroism shown by many of the strikers and their families it would be hard to overestimate.

They cannot help feeling, also, that you somewhat overestimate the value of your work, which to them seems to be only a higher sort of routine, calling for no intellectual endeavor, and requiring but little more than an ordinary bookkeeper's care for its perfect performance.

[Footnote 46: DeBow, in the Compendium of the Seventh Census, p. 94, estimated the sugar plantation slaves at 150,000; but this is clearly an overestimate.]

It would be hard to overestimate the predominance of the special crops in the industry and interest of the Southern community.

With this goes the disposition to overestimate the importance of one's work and to push principles and theories towards extremes.

It is impossible to overestimate his influence on novel-writing.

What a lesson this, that we must not overestimate our importance in the work to which God has called us.

It would be impossible to overestimate the far-reaching effects of the overthrow of the French power in America; but Lower Canada, where the fatal blow was given, itself suffered nothing but a political conquest, which did not interfere in the least with the growth of a French state along both sides of the lower St. Lawrence.

On the Canadian body politic the impress of the Loyalist migration is so deep that it would be difficult to overestimate it.

We can not overestimate the fervent love of liberty, the intelligent courage, and the sum of common sense with which our fathers made the great experiment of self-government.

" "You overestimate me," answered Coronado, with a smile which was almost ironical.

One can scarce overestimate the value of modern methods of communication to the world.

It is hopeless to attempt to reform their habits or improve their condition while the women are condemned to field labour; nor is it possible to overestimate the bad moral effect of the system as regards the women entailing this enforced separation from their children and neglect of all the cares and duties of mother, nurse, and even house-wife, which are all merged in the mere physical toil of a human hoeing machine.

This morning he gave M. de Marsan a valuable paper to copya paper, Monsieur, the importance of which it were impossible to overestimate.

125 examples of  overestimate  in sentences