7 examples of overspends in sentences

The partition of this rich booty raised a quarrel among them; and, while their attention was thus engaged, she took the opportunity of making her escape with her son into the thickest of the forest, where she wandered for some time, overspent with hunger and fatigue and sunk with terror and affliction.

If he overspends his money he is bankrupt, and the person who overspends his strength is for the time physically bankrupt.

If he overspends his money he is bankrupt, and the person who overspends his strength is for the time physically bankrupt.

fatigued, tired &c v.; weary &c 841; drowsy &c 683; drooping &c v.; haggard; toilworn^, wayworn:, footsore, surbated^, weather-beaten; faint; done up, used up, knocked up; bushed [U.S.]; exhausted, prostrate, spent; overtired, overspent, overfatigued; unrefreshed^, unrestored.

His horse, a strong-limbed dapple-gray, all shiny with sweat above, and all caked with mud beneath, bent its fore knees as it stood, as though it were overspent.

And is it her fault if her capacity in the way of miscellaneous refreshments partakes of the nature of the miraculoussomewhat to the inconvenience of Adolphe, who has overspent his allowance?

In the meanwhile, my debts were paid; and, having dropped out of society when I fell out of love with Madame de Marignan, I no longer overspent my allowance.

7 examples of  overspends  in sentences