386 examples of overtops in sentences

Yet no matter how closely he is like them and they like him, he differs and varies, they differ and vary, with a sort of mutual forgiveness, because the amount of resemblance overtops the degree of variation.

Now and then some noble soul is born, some hero so thrilled with the ideal that he rises far above the public sentiment of his day; but usually we count him great who overtops his fellows by an inch or two, and he who falls much below the level of ordinary feeling is esteemed as almost beyond hope.

Up the sheer face of that square-cut peak, composed chiefly of shifting sand and pebbles, which overtops the rest, McNair did his best to climb.

Another giant overtops even him.

That of the governor is of the same material, and overtops the rest; it is whitewashed, and has a neat and cleanly appearance.

At the northern extremity of the ridge is a slight elevation which overtops everything else, and slopes away in all directions, save where the ridge lies.

As a rule comparatively shallow, in the dry weather they pursue a narrow winding course in the middle of a sandy waste, but in the Rains they fill their beds from side to side, overtop the banks, and make the country for miles around a series of great lakes, studded with heavily wooded islands.

But hardly is one surmounted than another overtops them like a wave, nor have the stern victims of indignation the smallest hope of deliverance from their suffering, until they lie, as Swift has now lain for so many years, where cruel rage can tear the heart no more"Ubi saeva indignatio ulterius cor lacerare nequit.

If, however, the energies of the individual overtop the science, enabling him to assert himself above the summit of its history, then is he accessible to all generations, and can in no wise avoid or forfeit his just fame.

It is also noticeable that the saints are more than a head taller than the Dukes, while the Madonna overtops the saints by more than another head.

Below, all their earthward-looking branches are sapless and shattered, splintered by the weight of many winters' snows; above, they are still green and full of life, but their summits overtop all the deciduous trees around them, and in their companionship with heaven they are alone.

All around us, the plain extends in the same desolate immensity that we noticed when we looked upon it from the hato; still, as before, we see it covered with a dense wilderness of reedy grasses that overtop the tallest trooper in Morillo's army; as before, we notice the scattered palm-islands, breaking here and there the uniformity of level; and hosts of cattle and wild horses are still roaming over the plain.

Thought overtops imagination, the fervor and enthusiasm of the poet are more than matched by the ethical aims of the teacher.

They bend to their labour till the tall corn overtops their heads.

"Also, figure to yourself a number of persons walking behind this wall, and carrying with them statues of men, and images of other animals, wrought in wood, stone, and all kinds of materials, together with various other articles, which overtop the wall; and, as you might expect, let some of the passers-by be talking, and others silent" "You are describing a strange scene, and strange prisoners.

SYMPATHY "Egotism," wrote Schopenhauer "is a colossal thing; it overtops the world.

But, granted so much, the original idea, dominant in the eighteenth century, the belief that man, truth, and society are made for one another, worthy of one another, and called upon to form a union, this correct and salutary belief rises up and overtops all its history.

For this misguided man Fayette Overtop felt a real pity.

was he mad?" cried Overtop, who had a horror of dogs, and made wide circuits about them in the street.

Overtop referred to the standard Cyclopaedias, and several works on Natural History, in proof of his assertion.

" "Ah, I see," interrupted Overtop, who liked to show that he snatched the meaning; "you will put your animals in recumbent attitudessleeping, perhaps, in the depth of jungles, shaded from the fierce rays of the equatorial sun.

Tiffles had already borrowed from Overtop and Maltboy, but had generously spared the oldest of the three bachelors.

One evening, early in April, Overtop and Maltboy observed a peculiar expression of sadness on the face of their friend.

"Up to something, depend on it," said Overtop.

Every day the harvest increases, and overtops that of the last.

386 examples of  overtops  in sentences