10 examples of oxygenated in sentences

But if the carbonic acid gas were merely to be removed, it is obvious that the oxygen of the air, which forms a part of that gas, would be constantly diminished and ultimately exhausted; and the effect of highly oxygenated air upon the circulation is notoriously too great to allow of any considerable increase at the outset in the proportion of this element.

It is then passed through several covered channels and mechanically or chemically cleansed from every kind of inorganic impurity, and finally oxygenated or aerated with air which has undergone a yet more elaborate purification.

He broke down the traditional non-committalism of the lecture-room, and oxygenated all the lyceums of the land.

The larger bodies, the large heart and lungs, well oxygenated blood, and fresh vitality of every artery and tissue, gives a buoyance, a strength and a courage, a source of power and sense of it too, a longing for complete freedom, a revolt against all control, which the boy will never feel later; if he does not feel it now.

Nothing oxygenates the lungs like a sail, and your friends the fishermen would be delighted to have you as super-cargo.

The West contributed brilliant green copper ore, flaky white tin ore, glittering white quartz ore, shining pyrites, and one or two businesslike specimens of oxygenated quartz, all of which occupied points of exhibit on the "whatnot."

Thus, too, it will be oxygenated, and ready for the oxygen-using tenants.

Green is the only color well adapted for healthy and oxygenating growth in the new tank.

Well,these are two highly oxygenated adverbs,grateful, suppose we say,yes,grateful, dutiful, obedient to her wishes for the most part,perhaps not quite up to the concert pitch of such a perfect orchestra of the virtues.

The strongly oxidized oxygenated compounds that are formed under such circumstances give rise, at a proper elevation of temperature, to compounds less rich in oxygen, and the oxygen that is set free acts upon the fatty acid that it is proposed to treat.

10 examples of  oxygenated  in sentences