24 examples of oyle in sentences

Five hundred broyl'd to death in Oyle and Lead: Seven hundred flead alive, their Carkasses Throwne to King Genzericks hounds.

A little oyle of favour will secure thee agen, And make thee shine as bright as in that day We wonne the famous battaile 'gainst the Christians.

That Scrowle, which now You make the blacke Indenture of your lust, Altho eat up in flames, is printed here, In me, in him, in these, in all that saw it, In all that ever did but heare 'twas yours: That scold of the whole world (Fame) will anon Raile with her thousand tongues at this poore Shift Which gives your sinne a flame greater than that You lent the paper; you to quench a wild fire Cast oyle upon it.

Oyle to blood shall turne; I'le lose a limbe before the heart shall mourne.

This makes an excellent dish of Meat, which must be served up in the Liquor; and though for a need it may be made with Butter instead of Oyl, and with Vinegar in stead of Juyce of Lemons, yet is the other incomparably better for such as are not Enemies to Oyle.

Scollops may be dressed on this manner or broiled like oysters with Oyle or juyce of Lemons.

I am utterly against those confused Olios into which men put almost all kinds of meats and Roots, and especially against putting of Oyle, for it corrupts the Broath, instead of adding goodnesse to it.

And amonges hem, oyle of olyve is fulle dere: for thei holden it for fulle noble medicyne.

In the port of Satagan euery yeere lade thirtie or fiue and thirtie ships great and small, with rice, cloth of Bombast of diuerse sortes, Lacca, great abundance of sugar, Mirabolans dried and preserued, long pepper, oyle of Zerzeline, and many other sorts of marchandise.

No, let's rather sell them to some woman Chymist, that extractions, shee might draw an excellent provocative oyle from useth them, that might be very usefull.

I thinke, tis a barrel of oyle, for it spurg'd at my backe.

It was oyle, for I drew the Tap.

We heare of no sweet oyles or oyntments that they use to dresse or chest their dead bodies with; albeit they want not of the pretious rozzin running out of the great cedar, wherewith in the old time they used to embalme dead bodies, washing them in the oyle and licoure thereof.

We heare of no sweet oyles or oyntments that they use to dresse or chest their dead bodies with; albeit they want not of the pretious rozzin running out of the great cedar, wherewith in the old time they used to embalme dead bodies, washing them in the oyle and licoure thereof.

For their ordinary burialls they digg a deepe hole in the earth with sharpe stakes, and the corps being lapped in skynns and matts with their jewells, they laye uppon sticks in the ground, and soe cover them with earth; the buryall ended, the women (being painted all their faces with black coale and oyle)

The buriale ended, the women being painted all their faces with blacke cole and oyle doe sit twenty-foure houres in the houses mourning and lamenting by turnes with such yelling and howling as may expresse their great passions.

They think that their Werowances and priests which they also esteeme quiyough-cosughs, when they are deade doe goe beyond the mountains towards the setting of the sun, and ever remain there in form of their Okee, with their bedes paynted rede with oyle and pocones, finely trimmed with feathers, and shall have beads, hatchets, copper, and tobacco, doing nothing but dance and sing with all their predecessors.

The 19. of April our ship had no more bread left, but for our last partition euery man had seuen pound, both good and badde breade, and from that time forwarde our meate was Rice sodden in water, and euery man had a canne of water euery day, with three romers of wine, and weekely each man three romers or glasses of oyle and that very strong, and nothing els.

degrees and twentie minutes, and then our portion of oyle was increased a glasse more euery weeke, so that euery man had foure glasses.

No, no, nothing Then will I have thee blown with a pair of Smiths bellows, Because ye shall be sure to have a round gale with ye, Fill'd full of oyle o'Devil, and Aqua-fortis, And let these work, these may provoke.

No more do's any man From Caca merda or a substance worse, Till they be greas'd with oyle, and rub'd with onions, And then flung out of doors, they are rare Sallads.

With wondrous pompe and furniture, amid the Church they go, With candles, crosses, banners, Chrisme, and oyle appoynted tho: Nine times about the font they marche, and on the saintes doe call, Then still at length they stande, and straight the Priest begins withall, And thrise the water doth he touche, and crosses thereon make, Here bigge and barbrous wordes he speakes, to make the devill quake:

Nor I, and yet Ime sure I ha felt a hundred. 2. If he kicke thus ith dog-daies, he will be drie founderd: what cure now Captaine, besides oyle of bayes? Bess.

He that drinketh oyle of prickes, shall haue much a doe to auoyd sirrope of roses: and he that eateth nettles for prouender, hath a priuiledge to pisse vpon lillies for litter.

24 examples of  oyle  in sentences