6176 examples of pack in sentences

Harris, in the pocket of my coat, which hangs in the pilot house, you will find a pack of cards.

" Harris walked away and returned a few seconds later with a pack of playing cards.

"How did you chance to have this pack of cards?" "I play solitaire considerably," was the reply.

The horses were in worse case than ever, and only two miserable teams and a few tottering pack-horses remained capable of working.

Proceed in this manner till you have done as many eggs as you wish to preserve; then pack them away in sawdust.

Now, it happens that the captain had the identical pack which had been used on all such occasions in his pocket, as was evident in the fact that the cards were nearly as distinctly marked on their backs, as on their faces.

"They seem to have been pretty much occupied, too," observed the captain, "for a better thumbed pack I never yet found in the forecastle of a ship.

I never saw a more thorough-working pack in my life.

" "Or a more thoroughly worked pack," added the captain, in a condoling manner.

They gave sullenly backward; they had to, yelping and snarling like a pack of wolves, hacking at me with their short knives.

"I was about to knock and ask if madame wished me to pack this..." "You know very well I shall need it," Liane said ominously.

" "Simply this: At the last moment you will decide to take Leon with you. Give him no more time than he needs to pack a handbag.

"Most solemn oaths they swore, then turned on one another like a pack of wolves!

It was therefore as mobile as it could be made without a pack-train.

John Muir and I, with two packers and three pack mules, spent a delightful three days in the Yosemite.

"If you are really not going to eat any luncheon, Peter," she said, "I must trouble you to help me to wash up and pack the basket.

Gray wolf, call thy pack!

But now"he looked at his watch"I've got just time enough to taxi to my hotel, pack, and catch the boat train.

He takes a pack saddle in summer And follows us off thru the hills

In his mind, at such times, he had visions of floating beneath the Arctic pack, powerless to go ahead or backward and as powerless to break through the ice to freedom.

The sun, a pale yellow disk, shone through a thin haze close to the surface of the pack.

[Footnote 9: A cry of hounds is a pack.

He had plenty of tobacco and an inspection of the pack showed that Croisset had left him well stocked with food.

[Footnote 1: these People] [Footnote 2: Clinch of Barnet, whose place of performance was at the corner of Bartholomew Lane, behind the Royal Exchange, imitated, according to his own advertisement, 'the Horses, the Huntsmen and a Pack of Hounds, a Sham Doctor, an old Woman, the Bells, the Flute, the Double Curtell (or bassoon) and the Organ,all with his own Natural Voice, to the greatest perfection.'

"You must pack up to go this evening, young gentlemen.

6176 examples of  pack  in sentences