22 examples of page-boy in sentences

A small but very alert page-boy who looked like an Italian was standing on the mat.

It gave me rather an uncanny feeling for the moment to be confronted by the two latter, and I was just wondering whether a Bond Street palmist's cliéntèle made such works of reference necessary, when the door opened and the page-boy reappeared.

I heard her call the page-boy and give him some instructions, and then she came back into the room, her eyes dancing with happiness and excitement.

We'll take Mr. Gow as skipper, and your little page-boy as steward, and we'll run down to the Mediterranean and stop there till people are tired of gassing about us."

It drew level with her, and the page-boy threw open the iron door.

'I should like to have him as a page-boy,' said Lady Helen, as they walked away.

Suliman, the eight-year-old imp of Arab mischief, who did duty as page-boy met me on each occasion at the door and took grinning delight in disappointing me.

As he lay in the Tower of London awaiting death, a page-boy entered nervously, and turned pale when he cast his eyes upon him.

Jove is a reproduction of the Eterno Padre, conceived as a benevolent old man for a conventional painting of the "Trinity;" and Ganymede is a page-boy with the sweet submissive features of Tobias.

He became a byword of contempt, and the Age of Anne persistently called him Withers, a name, I believe, only possessed really by one distinguished person, Cleopatra Skewton's page-boy.

Mother cannot keep a censor (it is as much as she can do to keep a cook, housemaid, and page-boy), besides the expense would be enormous, even if nothing but shilling and two-shilling novels were purchased.

"Mr. Formalyn!" bawled a page-boy under my nose, and I took the telegram and opened it at once.

"123" had a vacancy for a page-boy, "Glasgow Man" for a photographer; page-boy must not be over fourteen, photographer must not be under twenty.

"123" had a vacancy for a page-boy, "Glasgow Man" for a photographer; page-boy must not be over fourteen, photographer must not be under twenty.

"Then it's not the page-boy!"

ROBERT SMITH, a gentleman of necessary occupation, Mr. TYRONE POWER ROGERS, a page-boy Mr. GALWEY HERBERT MANSON, a butler Mr. WALTER HAMPDEN TimeAn early morning in Spring.

A gentleman of necessary occupation ROGERS A page-boy MANSON A butler TIME:

And now butler and page-boy, eh? ROGERS

Mother cannot keep a censor (it is as much as she can do to keep a cook, housemaid and page-boy), besides the expense would be enormous, even if nothing but shilling and two-shilling novels were purchased.

[Illustration: "TOO MANY COOKS!" THE PAGE-BOY (W.H. SM-TH).

The little page-boy had a pet of a wooly head.

Wherever I may go: An ocean of azure fancies O'erwhelms me with its flow. 3 Was once an ancient monarch, Heavy his heart, his locks were gray, This poor and aged monarch Took a wife so young and gay. Was once a page-boy handsome, With lightsome heart and curly hair, The silken train he carried Of the queen so young and fair.

22 examples of  page-boy  in sentences