11 examples of painfull in sentences

Since painfull sorrowes date hath end And time hath coupled friend with friend, Reioyce we all, reioyce and sing, Let all these groaves of Phoebus ring: Hope having wonne, dispaire is vanisht, Pleasure revives and care is banisht: Then trip we all this Roundelay, And still be mindful of the bay.

And barke out flames, as if on fire he fed, Adowne whose necke, in terrible array, Ten thousand snakes, cralling about his hed, Doo hang in heapes, that horribly affray, And bloodie eyes doo glister firie red, 350 He oftentimes me dreadfullie doth threaten With painfull torments to be sorely beaten.

Scarce this right hand the mouth with diet feedeth; So that it may no painfull worke endure, 275 Ne to strong labour can it selfe enure.

385 "So when I have with sorrow satisfyde Th'importune Fates which vengeance on me seeks, And th'heavens with long languor pacifyde, She, for pure pitie of my sufferance meeke, Will send for me; for which I daily long, 390 And will till then my painfull penance eeke, Weepe, Shepheard!

Spare my Sonn and I shall goe As willingly to death as to my rest After a painfull child birthe.

Once more let suffice I quite your painfull travell but with thanks.

As wountes or moles hunt after wormes, the ground being dewable, so these idelers live intolerablie by other meanes, and neglect their painfull labours by oppressing the neighbourhood.

Charles himself, in one of his early addresses to his army, denounced the opposing party as "Brownists, Anabaptists, and Atheists," and in his address to the city of London pleaded in favor of his own "godly, learned, and painfull preachers."

But he is so good, I so miserable, His pious care, his duty, and obedience, And all that can be wish'd for from a Son, Discharg'd to me, and I, barr'd of all means To return any scruple of the debt I owe him as a Mother, is a Torment, Too painfull to be born.

Whereof three have beene formerly translated into English by R. Eden, whereunto the other five are newly added by the industries and painfull Travails of M. Lok.

But an we have, I hope Zeale-of-the-land Buzzy, and my gossip Rabby Trouble-Truth, will start up and see we have painfull good ministers to keepe schoole, and catechise our youth; and not teach 'em to speake plays and act fables of false newes.

11 examples of  painfull  in sentences