82 examples of palefaces in sentences

"They say that when last they hunted on the Roanoke their young men brought a tale that a tribe of Cherokees, who lived six days' journey into the hills, had found a great Sachem who had the white man's magic, and that God was moving him to drive out the palefaces and hold his hunting lodge in their dwellings.

For each one of the five, three Palefaces shall eat the dust in the day of our triumph.

In the space of five suns we shall sweep the Palefaces into the sea, and rule all the land to the Eastern waters.

As they were on the eve of journeying there came to them a prophet, who told them that God would lead them not towards the West, as was the tradition of the elders, but eastwards to the sea and the dwellings of the Palefaces.

She is going to a more beautiful country than ours; the palefaces told her so!"

"Yes, my child, several others besides Judéwin are going away with the palefaces.

I asked, fearing lest Dawée had forbidden the palefaces to see me, and that my hope of going to the Wonderland would be entirely blighted.

She will need an education when she is grown, for then there will be fewer real Dakotas, and many more palefaces.

The palefaces, who owe us a large debt for stolen lands, have begun to pay a tardy justice in offering some education to our children.

Trembling with fear and distrust of the palefaces, my teeth chattering from the chilly ride, I crept noiselessly in my soft moccasins along the narrow hall, keeping very close to the bare wall.

We had anticipated much pleasure from a ride on the iron horse, but the throngs of staring palefaces disturbed and troubled us.

We were led toward an open door, where the brightness of the lights within flooded out over the heads of the excited palefaces who blocked our way.

I pleaded; but the ears of the palefaces could not hear me.

His face was a patchwork: he had bearded cheeks, like some I had seen palefaces wear; his nose was an eagle's bill, and his sharp-pointed ears were pricked up like those of a sly fox.

While we waited for the verdict of the judges, I gleamed fiercely upon the throngs of palefaces.

Both sorts of these Christian palefaces were alike astounded at seeing the children of savage warriors so docile and industrious.

They paid not the slightest attention to the grown-up palefaces present, but in their ghostly way marched across the room to the corner where the two little children were playing on the floor.

They were soon seated in the circle with the red children, who, young though they were, were a wee bit startled at seeing these little palefaces.

Here was a new experience, and the very boldness of the children of the palefaces was an evidence of their unbounded confidence and love.

Then when the palefaces came they followed the same process.

As the home where Sagastao and Minnehaha lived was near a trail along which numbers of Indian hunters were accustomed to travel when on their way to the trading post with their furs, they frequently called in to see their loved friends the palefaces.

I can't get ahead of these miserable palefaces.

Near a bright fire that was burning on the ground squatted a band of hideously-painted fellows who seemed to be redskins, while close at hand, bound and helpless, were a number of palefaces, plainly the captives of the savages.

Redskins and Palefaces complete the menu, Palefaces being cookies with white icing and features marked in candies, and Redskins being apples.

Redskins and Palefaces complete the menu, Palefaces being cookies with white icing and features marked in candies, and Redskins being apples.

82 examples of  palefaces  in sentences