4 examples of palestina in sentences

For I have sworn to God and all his saints, These arms erected in rebellious brawls Against my father and my sovereign, Shall fight the battles of the Lord of Hosts, In wrong'd Judaea and Palestina.

Tell me politicians, why is that fruitful Palestina, noble Greece, Egypt, Asia Minor, so much decayed, and (mere carcases now) fallen from that they were?

Every country is full of such [3202]delightsome prospects, as well within land, as by sea, as Hermon and [3203]Rama in Palestina, Colalto in Italy, the top of Magetus, or Acrocorinthus, that old decayed castle in Corinth, from which Peloponessus, Greece, the Ionian and Aegean seas were semel et simul at one view to be taken.

See p. 8, note 1] [Footnote 4: Palestina = 'Palestine.'

4 examples of  palestina  in sentences