53 examples of palmes in sentences

Present, M. Hardouin, President; M. Pataille, M. Moreau, M. de la Palme, and M. Cauchy, judges, this second day of December, 1851.

Who, leaning on the belly of a pot, Pourd foorth a water, whose out gushing flood Ran bathing all the creakie@ shore aflot, Whereon the Troyan prince spilt Turnus blood; And at his feete a bitch wolfe suck did yeeld To two young babes: his left the palme tree stout, His right hand did the peacefull olive wield.

Sudden both palme and olive fell away, And faire green lawrell branch did quite decay.

An earnest Coniuration from the King, As England was his faithfull Tributary, As loue betweene them, as the Palme should flourish, [Sidenote: them like the | might florish,]

now the Stage is down, darst thou appeare Bold FLETC[H]ER in this tottr'ing Hemisphear? Yes;Poets are like Palmes which, the more weight You cast upon them, grow more strong & streight, 'Tis not love's Thunderbolt, nor Mars his Speare, Or Neptune's angry Trident, Poets fear.

Besides, he deliuereth vnto him a couering of greene veluet made in maner of a pyramis, about nine palmes high, and artificially wrought with most fine golde, and this is to couer the tombe of their prophet within Medina, which tombe is built in manner of a pyramis: and besides that couering there are brought many others of golde and silke, for the ornament of the sayde tombe.

The other measure is called a vare, which was sent from the king of Portugall to the India, by which they sell things of small value, which measure is of 5 palmes or spans, and is one code and two third parts, so that buying 100 codes of any measurable wares, and returning to measure it by the sayd vare, there are found but 60 vares, contrarywise 100 vares make 166 codes and two third parts.

Epitaph on the Lady Whitmore X. Epitaph on Sir Palmes Fairbone's tomb in Westminster Abbey XI.



"Entre le ciel qui brûle et la mer qui moutonne, Au somnolent soleil d'un midi monotone, Tu songes, O guerrière, aux vieux conquistadors; Et dans l'énervement des nuits chaudes et calmes, Berçant ta gloire éteinte, O cité, tu t'endors Sous les palmiers, au long frémissement des palmes.

"Chère apparence viens aux couchants illuminés Veux-tu mieux des matins albes et calmes Les soirs et les matins ont des calmes rosâtres Les eaux ont des manteaux de cristal irisé Et des rythmes de calmes palmes

Plusieurs connaisseurs, ayant été requis de porter leur jugement sur les deux tableaux, adjugèrent la palme au peintre de la treille.

PALME, f., blanche d'un palmier.

DUTT, R. PALME. Britain in the world front.

Reuben A. Duskis (A); 2Jul70; R487523. DUTT, R. PALME.

The tower of Babel is built on this side the riuer Tygris, towardes Arabia from the towne about seuen or eight miles, which tower is ruinated on all sides, and with the fall thereof hath made as it were a litle mountaine, so that it hath no shape at all: it was made of brickes dried in the sonne, and certain canes and leaues of the palme tree layed betwixt the brickes.

Seulement un matin, avant le lever du soleil, j'aperçus courir un animal à quatre pattes, long de trois pieds environ, et qui n'avoit guère en hauteur plus qu'une palme.

JEANNE.</b> Medal of the second class at Exposition Universelle at Lyons; silver medal at Versailles; honorable mention at Paris Salon, 1896; the two prizes of the Union des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteursles Palmes Académique, 1895; the Rosette of an Officer of the Public Instruction in 1902.

Decorated with the "palmes académique" of President Loubet, 1903.

the palme of. l. 13. ore worne.

And with a dart that wounded nie, Pearst my heart as I did lie, That, when I wooke, I gan sweare Phillis beautie palme did beare.

"Entre le ciel qui brûle et la mer qui moutonne, Au somnolent soleil d'un midi monotone, Tu songes, O guerrière, aux vieux conquistadors; Et dans l'énervement des nuits chaudes et calmes, Berçant ta gloire éteinte, O cité, tu t'endors Sous les palmiers, au long frémissement des palmes.

Les soirs et les matins ont des calmes rosâtres Les eaux ont des manteaux de cristal irisé Et des rhythmes de calmes palmes

Mille victoriose chiare palme. PETRARCH.

53 examples of  palmes  in sentences