237 examples of pampering in sentences

Just as important to me (in a sense) is all the furniture of my world,eye-pampering, but satisfies no heart.

Strong meat indulges vice, and pampering food Creates diseases, and inflames the blood.

There was the Gloria who was the product of her mother's teaching and pampering; there was that other Gloria who was the true daughter of a pioneer stock, a girl linked to the city through tradition, bound to the outdoors through instinct.

She had a neat meagre person, which it was evident she had not sinned in over-pampering; but in its veins was noble blood.

We may be gratefully sensible of the deliciousness of some kinds of food beyond others, though that is a meaner and inferior gratitude: but the proper object of the grace is sustenance, not relishes; daily bread, not delicacies; the means of life, and not the means of pampering the carcass.

Nevertheless he contrived, by means of this same secret correspondence, to keep alive in Argemone's mind the longing to turn nun, and fancied honestly that he was doing God service, while he was pampering the poor girl's lust for singularity and self-glorification.

At the same time let the mother guard against pampering, for this would lead to evils no less formidable, though of a different character.

"We must look," say they, "if we would be the better for them, for a hardy and labouring Clergy, that is mortified to [the possession of] a horse and all such pampering vanities!

It directed all the energies of human nature to the pampering and decorating of this mortal body, not believing that the mind and soul which animate it, and which are the sources of all its glory, would ever live beyond the grave.

"'I wanted to ask your advice about 'im,' ses Bob, turning round and follering of 'im. 'He's a delikit animal, and sometimes I wonder whether I 'aven't been a-pampering of 'im too much.' "'Go away,' ses Mr. Bunnett; 'I've'eard all about you.

"'I wanted to ask your advice about 'im,' ses Bob, turning round and follering of 'im. 'He's a delikit animal, and sometimes I wonder whether I 'aven't been a-pampering of 'im too much.' "'Go away,' ses Mr. Bunnett; 'I've'eard all about you.

"If you want pampering, you had better go.

So parents often err, many fond mothers especially, dote so much upon their children, like [2130]Aesop's ape, till in the end they crush them to death, Corporum nutrices animarum novercae, pampering up their bodies to the undoing of their souls: they will not let them be corrected or controlled, but still soothed up in everything they do, that in conclusion "they bring sorrow, shame, heaviness to their parents" (Ecclus. cap.

Pampering and artificial living are not to be encouraged; but, on the other hand, neglect has the same effect of shortening the span of life, and

In the home he requires no pampering; he has a good, hardy constitution, and when once he has got over the ills incidental to puppyhoodworms and distemperhe needs only to be judiciously fed, kept reasonably clean, and to have his fill of active exercise.

Their fragility is more apparent than real, and if they are not exposed to cold or damp, they require less pampering than they usually receive.

"Now I think we'll stop it!" "Why, Miss Sniffen, what have I done?" "You're putting foolish notions into the heads of these old womenpetting and pampering them in the way you do!

They feed where they choose, and devout persons take great delight in pampering them.

The jealousy of Salvatti's comrades tended to perpetuate and exaggerate this legend; and the tenor, worn out, poor, and a wreck virtually for all of his pose of grandeur, was able to make a living still from provincial publics, who charitably applauded him with the self-conceit of climbers pampering a dethroned prince.

Leonora admitted to Rafael that she could have lived to old age submissively at Keller's side, pampering his whims and selfish caprices.

In February, when I need a home, there is always an old Crow's or Hawk's nest ready for me; and as for my young, they are hardy and need no pampering!

Believing that the detectives were pampering me into prime condition, as a butcher fattens a beast for slaughter, I deliberately made myself out much weaker than I really was; and not a little of my inactivity was due to a desire to prolong my fairly comfortable existence, by deferring as long as possible the day of trial and conspicuous disgrace.

The surplus energies of the masses would be devoted to the construction of temples, palaces, and pyramids; to ministering to the pride and pampering the luxury of their rulers; and should any disposition to improvement arise among the classes of leisure it would at once be checked by the dread of innovation.

When it was reported to the magistrates of the Lacedaemonians called Ephori, in manner of complaint, that the inhabitants of Deceleia used afternoone walkings, they sent unto them messengers with their commandmente, saying:"Go not up and doune like loyterers, nor walke not abrode at your pleasure, pampering the wantonnes of your natures rather than accustoming yourself to exercises of activity.

Ai! 'tis a strange madness To give up thought, ambition, liberty, And all the rooted custom of our days, Even life itself for one all pampering dream, That withers like those garlands at the door;

237 examples of  pampering  in sentences