50 examples of panda in sentences

The curious little panda (Aelurus fulgens) from the Himalayas, is very suggestive of raccoons, and as forms belonging to this genus inhabited England in Pliocene times, it is possible that we have pointed out to us here the origin of this, at present, strictly American family; but, on the other hand, evidence is not wanting that they have always been native to the soil and came from a dog-like stock.

WARREN R. The baby giant panda.

The lady and the panda.

The baby giant panda.

The lady and the panda; an adventure.

MCCOMBS, JAMES W. The baby giant panda.

The lady and the panda.

Andy Panda and his friends.

Walter Lantz's Andy Panda and Presto the pup.

Andy Panda's rescue.

Trailing the giant panda.

SEE Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. ROOSEVELT, ELEANOR B. Trailing the giant panda.

SEE Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. ROOSEVELT, KERMIT, joint author Trailing the giant panda.

Trailing the giant panda, by Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. and Kermit Roosevelt.

WARREN R. The baby giant panda.

The lady and the panda.

The baby giant panda.

The lady and the panda; an adventure.

MCCOMBS, JAMES W. The baby giant panda.

The lady and the panda.

Andy Panda's vacation.

Andy Panda and his friends.

Walter Lantz's Andy Panda and Presto the pup.

Andy Panda's rescue.

[Illustration: Ruiz leaving the Panda.]

50 examples of  panda  in sentences