3478 examples of paned in sentences

And the houseI had often pictured that house in my memorywith its great arched doorway, its small-paned windows and its gambrel roof.

The window was a small, single-paned affair built in the end opposite the door.

It was a building of large size, though but two stories in height, and even then presented an ancient appearance, with its low eaves, small-paned windows, and stone slab before the door.

Its ugly exterior was half-hidden by ivy, which had been cut away from the diamond-paned windows; while, unlike its neighbours, its roof was tiled and its brown door newly painted and highly varnished.

A dim, unhealthy light slipped from the small-paned windows across the court, staining the snow.

The branches outside tapped the narrow, small paned window near him, and from the open windows below the sweet beauty of the summer morning stole in.

It was a square, comfortable-looking mansion, with the Dutch stoep in front, and the half-arch of small-paned glass above the front door, which was painted white and bore a massive brass knocker.

Sheila got up, shivering, lighted her candle, and went over to the small, four-paned window under the eaves.

Under a deep old Gothic arch that spanned a pavered alley, I saw the little window of a little house of rubble, and between the two diamond-paned sashes rags tightly beaten in, the idea evidently being to make the place air-tight against the poison.

Wait here," and with scant courtesy the old servant left Alice standing in the blue-tiled hallway, near a long diamond-paned window.

It was four stories in height, grim and grave like its owner, with high peaked roof, long diamond-paned windows, a frame-work of black wood, with gray plaster filling the interstices, and five stone steps which led up to the narrow and sombre door.

I wielded the heavy brass knocker on the half-door, with diamond-paned glass top, and paused to look off to where the flower and fruit garden sloped south and west.

But as the windows in the beautiful linen-panelled hall were diamond-paned, the brilliance was softened, and there was something deliriously welcoming, almost fairy-like, in the picture the old house presented to its new owner's eager gaze.

The sun shines on the diamond paned windows all through the long afternoons of a summer's day.

In 1871, while Middlemarch was appearing in parts, George Eliot, who as Mr. Lewes said, "never seemed at home except under a broad sweep of sky," spent part of the spring and summer at Brookbank,an old-fashioned gabled cottage in the village (close to the church) with delightful lattice-paned windows,belonging to a Mrs. Gilchrist.

Almost before they knew it, there alone in the little whitewashed kitchen with the crackling cook-stove and the sunshine streaming in through the tiny-paned windows, they were friends.

The man was smoking a cigarette, and even through the tiny-paned glass the air of the room looked blue.

The Grange stood in front of hima great rambling building, with many gables, gray lichen-grown walls, and quaint old diamond-paned casements in the upper stories.

There was no fire here to-day, and the room had a desolate unoccupied look, though the sun was shining cheerfully on the old-fashioned many-paned windows.

The ceilings were lower too, the beams that supported them more massive, the diamond-paned windows smaller and more heavily leaded, and there was a faint musty odour as of a place that was kept shut up and uninhabited.

Using the chair as a battering-ram, without malicejoy being in my heartI deliberately thrust two of its legs through an upper and a lower pane of a four-paned plate glass window.

An air of homely jollity and comfort seemed to pervade the place; the ruddy afternoon sun lit up the small-paned windows with as cheerful a glow as that which in winter was reflected from the roaring fire piled by old Jack half up the wide chimney; the very Thornleigh lion of the imposing sign seemed to lean confidentially on his toe and to grin affably, as though to assure the passers-by of the good cheer within.

We have a small four-paned window in the house.

About midway in the block was a square-built house with tall, small-paned windows and checkered with black-headed brick.

Then you would come to an immense castle, so nigh the mountain that it seemed to grow out of it with its ivied walls and lofty towers pierced with quaintly paned windows.

3478 examples of  paned  in sentences