23 examples of panola in sentences

The next morning when I got back home I had a severe whipping, because the master was expecting a letter containing money and was disappointed in not receiving it that night, as he was going to Panola to spend Christmas.

Boss became so uneasy over the situation that he sent one of his slaves, a foreman, to Panola county, some seventy-five miles distant, to Mrs. McGee's father, to get her brother, a lawyer, to come and endeavor to effect a settlement.

After the family had been settled about a month in the new home, their relatives in Panola Co., Miss., Mr. Jack McGee, known among the servants as "Old Jack," Mrs. Melinda McGee, his wife, Mrs. Farrington, their daughter who was a widow, and their other children Louisa, Ella and William, all came up for a visit, and to see the wonderful house.

Old Master Jack came up from Panola at that time, and was there when the ceremony was performed.

At an early hour next morning the funeral party started for the home in Panola, where the body of the lamented young man, sacrificed to an unholy cause, was buried, at the close of the same day.

The Boss and his family, my wife and I, and all the house servants were to go to Panola, to his father's.

I made up my mind to go with William down to Panola, where madam was, to tell her about Boss being captured.

After two days, we arrived at Panola.

Reaching Panola, wet and weary, I conveyed to madam the story of her husband's capture and imprisonment, a rumor of which had already reached her.

They made up their minds to put me in jail at Panola, twenty-two miles away, to be fed on bread and water.

The two men in charge of me replied: "We are going to take him to Panola jail."

They started back with us to Old Master Jack's, at Panola, and we stopped for the night at a small farm house.


While I was absent on my last runaway trip, the Yankees had made a raid through Panola; and our people had become greatly frightened.

He told me that he would remain in Mobile two or three days and would go to Panola to spend the holidays, after which he intended to bring all the family to Mobile, and remain there until the island was in readiness to be occupied.

Boss remained two days in Mobile, and then started for Panola, the home of his father-in-law; but, on his way, he was taken sick, having contracted a heavy cold which ran into pneumonia, and he lasted only a short time, dying on New Year's day.

But the message ended my money-making, and I prepared to go home to Panola.


Mr. Brooks fixed the return papers so that my wife and I could leave the party of slaves at Demopolis, and go on thence to Panola by rail, to convey the news to madam that all hands were coming home; that the Yankees were expected to capture the salt works within a short time.

We finally got across and traveled as far as Demopolis, where Matilda and I left the other slaves, and took a train and went on to Panola.

They were not brought back to Panola; but were hired out to different farmers along the road homesome in Jackson, some in Granda and others in Panola town.

They were not brought back to Panola; but were hired out to different farmers along the road homesome in Jackson, some in Granda and others in Panola town.

It was our hope to find some one at Senatobia to go with us to Panola, and protect us in the effort to bring away our wives.

23 examples of  panola  in sentences