13 examples of panslavism in sentences

What with BISMARCK'S pangerrmanism, the CZAR'S panslavism, NAPOLEON'S panlatinism, the spread of pantheism, the threatened metamorphosis of pantalettes into pantaloons, ANDREWS' pantarchy, and Fox's pantomime, the old régime seems going precipitately to pot.

The one expresses itself in Panslavism, the other in Pangermanism.

A variant of Slavophilism is Panslavism, which works for the day when all members of one great Slav race will be united in one nation, presumably under the Russian crown.

Nicholas, Grand Duke Nietzsche Nihilism Norway Novara Obrenovitch dynasty Orthodox Church Palermo Palestine Pan-Germans Panslavism Peter the Great Peter, King of Serbia Petrograd Piedmont Pig War Pius IX.

The traditional policy of St. Petersburg is not an atmosphere in which the plant of regeneration can grow, and the fanciful idea became soon a weapon of oppression and of Russian preponderanceRussia availed herself of the idea of Panslavism to break Turkey down, and to make an obedient satellite out of Austria.

Russia sent out its agents, its moneys, its venomous secret diplomacy; it whispered to the Sclave nations about hatred against foreign dominionabout independence of religion connected with nationality under its own supremacy; but chiefly it spoke to them of Panslavism under the protectorate of the Czar.

This ambition got hold of all the Sclave nations through Europe; so Panslavism became the source of a movement, not of nationality, but of the dominion of languages.

Upon a similar basis will take place the national regeneration of Sclavonic States, and not upon the sacrilegious idea of Panslavism, which means the omnipotence of the Czar.

Besides, the idea of Panslavism and of national rivalries, raised by Russia and fostered by Austria, diverted the excitement of the public mind from the development of common political freedom.

Hence his use of the term Panlatinism, in opposition to the so much debated one of Panslavism.

The idea of Panslavism, or the uniting of eighty millions of Sclavonians under one banner, was, in its origin, republican and federal, whatever it may have become since.

AKSAKOF`, a Russian littérateur and advocate of Panslavism (1823-1886).

PANSLAVISM, the name given to a movement for union of all the Slavonic races in one nationality, a project which lags heavily owing to the jealousy on the part of one section or another.

13 examples of  panslavism  in sentences