2116 examples of pant in sentences

Four and sixty years it is now since he began to pant for breath.

Here the jester paused to fit key to lock, to strain and pant awhile ere bolts shrieked and turned, and the door yawned open.

Painted lizards slip in and out of rock crevices, and pant on the white hot sands.

She would come to him, put her paw in his hand and look at him with sparkling eyes shining with joy and gratitude, would pant with eagerness, jump at him and lick his face.

' Young in The Last Day, book I, had written: 'Words all in vain pant after the distress.' I am sorry to see in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol.

Through the darkness she heard the pant as of some one struggling desperately, then a cry close by her, followed by a strong voice exclaiming, in an agony of suspense, "My God, will no one come!" "Hoffman, are you there?" cried Helen, groping in the gloom, with a thrill of joy at the sound of a familiar voice.

How often does my soul pant and pray for a preparation of heart for that blissful state where she now is, near to her precious Saviour, who redeemed her with his own blood.

My soul doth pant towards thee, My God, source of eternal life.

Even here thy strong magnetic charms I feel, And pant and tremble like the amorous steel.

But if thou hear'st her pant I am gon. Clown.

The other evening ('twas on Friday last), This is a fact, and no poetic fable Just as my great coat was about me cast, My hat and gloves still lying on the table, I heard a shot'twas eight o'clock scarce past, And running out as fast as I was able, I found the military commandant Stretch'd in the street, and able scarce to pant.

He was so much out of breath that he couldn't answer and even after he stopped he had to pant it out, kind of.

When they became very fat and overfed, you had to see that they didn't hurry upstairs, as it made them puff and pant, and that was bad for their hearts.

Their pant legs were sodden from rubbing against the crumpled figure at their feet.

I begin to pant for terra firma and green fields.

No,we rise superior to the occasion; we pant to be free; we in-breathe the spirit of liberty, as we don our blouses.

Their strokes fall as regularly as those of machinery, and the grim men who wield the ponderous hammers accompany each blow with a peculiar loud indrawing of the breath, like the pant of a blacksmith at his anvil.

And the measures to be adopted to restrain it, and to curb the young warriors on both sides, who pant for fame and scalps, must ever remain, to a great extent, ineffective and temporary, so long as they are not backed up by strong lines of military posts.

And how we "pant to be there"!

Tuesday, April 4.Thirty-six hours of Ghari Habibullah give ample time for the loneliest recluse to pant for the bustle of a livelier world.

The cows come trampling through the yard; the bull bellows in the meadow; great, grunting sows, savage when they have young, go by, thrusting their noses into and turning up the earth for food; steam ploughing engines pant and rumble about; carts are continually coming and going; and he is all day in the midst of it without guardian of any kind whatsoever.

If I had but one Soul, it could not at the same time pant after Virtue and Vice, wish and abhor the same thing.

Not half so troublesom as you are to your self, Sir; Was that brave Heart made to pant for a placket: And now i'th' dog-days too, when nothing dare love!

It was far enough to make me pant for breath.

His eyes glare; his tongue fears to pant; it slips out at one side of his teeth and they close on it.

2116 examples of  pant  in sentences