17 examples of pantalettes in sentences

What with BISMARCK'S pangerrmanism, the CZAR'S panslavism, NAPOLEON'S panlatinism, the spread of pantheism, the threatened metamorphosis of pantalettes into pantaloons, ANDREWS' pantarchy, and Fox's pantomime, the old régime seems going precipitately to pot.

Virginia would feed the rabbits and run to pick the wild flowers in the fields, and her flying legs would disclose her little embroidered pantalettes.

These leather pantalettes are a necessity in a country where poisonous snakes and insects abound in gardens and fields.

With his black-walnut furniture, his jig-saw and turning-lathe methods of decoration, his lincrusta-walton and pressed terracotta, his chromos, wax flowers, hoop skirts, chokers, side whiskers and pantalettes, went a horrific revival of mock modesty inspired by the dying efforts of the old formulated religious thought.

R. A. Pinafores and pantalettes.

Pinafores and pantalettes.

DARBY, ADA CLAIRE. Pinafores and pantalettes; or, The big brick house.

Red silk pantalettes.

R. A. Pinafores and pantalettes.

Pinafores and pantalettes.

DARBY, ADA CLAIRE. Pinafores and pantalettes; or, The big brick house.

Red silk pantalettes.

a, dressmaker cut out them pantalettes?

"If he comes crow-hopping on my reservation; I'll kick his pantalettes on top of his scalp-lock.

" She left me standing in a chair, so that I might see my pantalettes in the high-hung glass, and the effect of my balloon-like sleeves.

" "Now tell me, why do the pantalettes of those girls look so graceful?

Now his marryin' a girl twelve years old who ort to been in pantalettes and high aprons, I should tried to break it up, I should told him plain and square that I wouldn't have heard for a minute to his marryin' our Tirzah Ann at that age.

17 examples of  pantalettes  in sentences