251 examples of papacies in sentences

Before his election to the papacy, he was a recognised lover of classical literature and an adept in following classic themes and classic forms.

In the long roll of pontiffs the name of Pius IX stands conspicuous among those of popes, who have greatly exerted their power for effect upon the papacy itself.

The people were mad for a declaration of war against Austria, though the military strength of the Roman States was grossly inadequate for such a conflict, and the head of the Catholic Church was naturally reluctant to come to extremities with a Catholic power which had long been the firmest support of the papacy.

The people would not consider, or were reckless of the fact, that Pius was a devout Catholic as well as a liberal sovereign, and could not be expected to lend his aid to a project for stripping the papacy of all temporal power, if not for razing it to its foundations.

He hoped to give lustre to the papacy by their means, and so to extend and to consolidate the faith.

Yet if he had basely yielded to their wishes, against his judgment and his conscience, he would have injured only the cause of the papacy in foreign lands, and the issue of the war would not have been changed.

When the Constituent Assembly met to decide on the form of government, Mamiani warned them that only two rulers were possible in Romethe Pope or Cola di Rienzi; the Papacy or the Republic.

The German Empire Controls the Papacy FERDINAND GREGOROVIUS JOSEPH DARRAS Dissension and Separation of the Greek and Roman Churches (A.D. 1054) HENRY F. TOZER JOSEPH DEHARBE Norman Conquest of England Battle of Hastings (A.D. 1066)

At the time of Hildebrand's active appearance the papacy was in a state of degradation which demoralized the Church itself.

When he was raised to the Papacy in the very year of Henry's coronation, one of his first cares was to complete the organization of Christendom in the West by bringing the Irish Church under Catholic discipline.

The claims of the papacy were watched with the most jealous care.

Monks had an entire Papacy behind them, running a quality-assurance operation that had stood Europe in good stead for centuries.

Antonio da Sangallo was the architect employed upon this work, which advanced slowly until Alessandro Farnese's elevation to the Papacy.

They may ask not only what is the meaning of the word Austrian Empire, or Pope, but what in the nature of things is the ultimate reason why the Austrian Empire or the Papacy should exist.

] "Upon the hypocrisy of the French character," explains Cibber (who probably looked upon France, Papacy, and the Pretender as a threefold combination of sin), "I engrafted a stronger wickedness, that of an English Popish priest lurking under the doctrine of our own Church to raise his fortune upon the ruin of a worthy gentleman, whom his dissembled sanctity had seduc'd into the treasonable cause of a Roman Catholick outlaw.

He was secretary to the Vatican library during the papacies of Paul the second and Sixtus the fourth.

BALDWIN, MARSHALL W. The medieval papacy in action.

The Papacy and European diplomacy, 1869-1878.

Such was, in the thirteenth century, the general cry throughout the Catholic Church and the signal for war against Raymond VI.; a war undertaken on the plea of a personal crime, but in reality for the extirpation of heresy in Southern France, and for the dispossession of the native princes, who would not fully obey the decrees of the papacy, in favor of foreign conquerors who would put them into execution.

At this juncture, as well as in the crusade against the Albigensians, Philip Augustus behaved towards the pope with a wisdom and ability hard of attainment at any time, and very rare in his own: he constantly humored the papacy without being subservient to it, and he testified towards it his respect, and at the same time his independence.

The great struggle between the Empire and the Papacy, in the persons of Frederick II., Emperor of Germany, and the two popes, Gregory IX.

He was profoundly respectful, affectionate, and faithful towards the papacy, but, at the same time, very careful in upholding both the independence of the crown in things temporal, and its right of superintendence in things spiritual.

They tolerated and tacitly admitted it, on account, no doubt, of the services rendered by Charlemagne to the papacy.

For all their passionate opposition to the Reformation, the Magistrates had no idea of allowing either the kingship or France to fall beneath the yoke of the papacy.

In 1377 Gregory XI transferred the seat of the papacy from Avignon to Rome, with the resuit that the world was treated to the edifying spectacle of three prelates each claiming to be the vicar of Christ and sole father of the Church.

251 examples of  papacies  in sentences