27 examples of papillas in sentences

And the same character makes it a capital coating for pills; for the resinous powder prevents the drug from being wetted by the saliva, and thus bars the nauseous flavour from the sensitive papilla; of the tongue.

Ipsa gemmis purpurantem pingit annum floribus, Ipsa surgentes papillas de Favoni spiritu Urget in toros tepentes; ipsa roris lucidi 15 Noctis aura quem relinquit, spargit umentes aquas.

En, pudorem florulentæ prodiderunt purpuræ: Umor ille quern serenis astra rorant noctibus 20 Mane virgineas papillas solvit umenti peplo.

At the bottom of the follicle there is an upward projection of the true skin, a papilla, which contains blood-vessels and nerves.

Around each papilla is a bulbous expansion, the hair bulb, from which the hair begins to grow.

In each papilla are seen vascular loops (dark lines) running up from the vascular network below, the tactile corpuscles with their nerve branches (white lines) which supply the papillæ.

124.Magnified View of a Papilla of the Skin, with a Touch Corpuscle.]

In every papilla are oval-shaped bodies about 1/300 of an inch long, around which the nerve fibers wind, and which they finally enter.

These are so called because they consist of a fungiform papilla surrounded by a fold of mucous membrane, presenting the appearance of being walled around.

A, epiglottis; B, glands at the base of tongue; C, tonsil; D, median circumvallate papilla, E, circumvallate papillæ; F, filiform papillæ; H, furrows on border of the tongue; K, fungiform papillæ.

Below A is seen a small conical elevation, with black dots (the lacrymal papilla or caruncle).

[convex body parts on chest] papilla, nipple, teat, tit [Vulg.], titty

te fers sine linteo papillas?

Here it becomes enlarged into a knob-like formation composed of soft, growing cells, which knob-like formation fits over a vascular papilla projecting up in the bottom of the follicle.

The hair grows from the bottom of the follicle by a multiplication of the cells covering the papilla upon which its root is moulded.

When a hair is cast off a new one is produced from the cells covering the papilla, or, in case of the death or degeneration of the original papilla, the new hair is produced from a second papilla formed in place of the first at the bottom of the follicle.

a, The hair follicle; b, the hair root; c, the medulla; d, the hair cuticle; e, the outer root sheath; f, the inner root sheath; g, the papilla from which the hair is growing; h, a sebaceous gland; i, a sudoriferous gland.

Then we shall have a more or less continuous column of cells growing from the tip of the finger or papilla (a hollow tube of cells gradually moving from off the surface of the finger or papilla like a cast), and similar casts are passing from off all the fingers or papillæ.

Then we shall have a more or less continuous column of cells growing from the tip of the finger or papilla (a hollow tube of cells gradually moving from off the surface of the finger or papilla like a cast), and similar casts are passing from off all the fingers or papillæ.

a, papillæ, with horn-cells surrounding them; b, interpapillary or intertubular horn; c, hollow spaces in the intertubular material filled with blood; d, a papilla and its surrounding horn-cells filled with blood.

And many, sublime in the valour of their faith, tore off the hair of her head and the nails of her fingers ("even the tips of her ears, et mamillarum papillas," says untranslatably Montanus of Spire), and kept them as relics.'

If a Latin diminutive, as papilla from papula or papa, pupillus from pupus, or tranquillus from trans and quietus, happen to double an l, must we forever cling to the reduplication, and that, in spite of our own rules to the contrary?

Perhaps, blazing and burning, it would tickle more agreeably the blunted papillas of his tongue.

y la he arrullado, y la he dado papilla

part, rôle *papilla* f. pap *par* m. pair *para* for, in order to; * que* in order to;

27 examples of  papillas  in sentences