52 examples of papooses in sentences

After taking a survey of what we had accomplished, it was found that we had killed about one hundred and forty Indians, and captured one hundred and twenty squaws and papooses, two hundred lodges, and eight hundred horses and mules.

"They tied me to a boardlike a papoose," said Donnegan, "and they straightened my backbut they left me this waywizened up."

It was as if every brave, squaw, and papoose howled his or her loudest in token of sorrow, and three of us within the fort had a very good idea of what would have been our fate had we not been rescued before the assault.

Bucks, squaws, and papooses tumbled out to see them with guttural exclamations of greeting.

El papoose estaba atado a una tabla que colgaba de un árbol.

No, no te lleves mi papoose,dijo la squaw.

An Indian baby is called a papoose.

Donner Papooses in Bickooses Sutter's Mill, Where Marshall Discovered Gold, January 19, 1848 Plaza and Barracks of Sonoma One of the Oldest Buildings in Sonoma Old Mexican Carreta Residence of Judge A.L. Rhodes, a Typical California House of the Better Class in 1849 Mission San Francisco Solano, Last of the Historic Missions of California Ruins of the Mission at Sonoma Gold Rocker, Washing Pan, and Gold Borer Scene

Many of the squaws and papooses were gorgeous in white doe skin suits, gaudily trimmed with beads, and bows of bright ribbons.


"Come look, see squaw, papoose!

When no more bulbs could be found, the baskets were put on the ground in groups, and the mothers carefully leaned their bickooses against them in such positions that the wide awake papooses could look out from under their shades and smile and sputter at each other in quaint Indian baby-talk; and the sleeping could sleep on undisturbed.

Like buzzards came the squaws and papooses to take what was left of the food, and to claim a share from the pile of worn-out clothes which grandma brought out for distribution.

"Bless you, it is the first thing they teach the papooses in an Indian wigwam.

I shouted, then ran forward, straddling papooses and shouldering squaws out of my way.

" "What do you mean, uncle?" "Why, half a dozen Indians, with their squaws and papooses are on the road, and I told them to stop here, and I would trade with themso get something for them to eat, will you?" The travellers soon made their appearance; a strange-looking set of red-skinned, black-eyed Indians, wrapped in dirty, many-colored blankets.

The squaws were in a squalid condition, and equally drunk with the men, while the papooses, that were placed in sacks upon their backs, peeping up, with their bare heads and dirty faces, added to the wretchedness of the scene, and the sight of them blanched the cheek of the poor woman, as she tremblingly looked upon them.

Kitty was never weary of the bright beads and ornaments of the Indian maidens, and Rudolph found great delight in shooting with the bows and arrows of the papooses or children, who, in turn, were wonderfully amused at the bad shots of the little pale-face.

For instance: when they, or any of the little papooses, were naughty or disobedient, they were put under what might be called the water-cure treatment.

On the wharf was a mixed lot of peopleAmericans, Canadians, Irish, Indians, squaws and papooses.

At the shore near by the Indians were loading a large white birch bark canoe, putting their luggage along the middle lengthways, and the papooses on top.

They seemed to be utterly without curiosity; the warriors put aside their bows and lay down to sleep; the old squaw hurried off to pick up her bundle of fuel; even the papooses were silent and stupid.

Vainly the shivering aborigine drew her tightly bandaged papoose closer to her square, flat breast, and looked longingly toward the cabin; the old man backed her against the palisade.

Flip remained leaning against the door; but the young man in rising dropped the bandaged papoose, which rolled from his lap into the fire.

From some instinctive prompting I had lashed the poor, frail baby to my girdle with the scarf of knotted silk I wore about my neck, and, wan and exhausted, he lay upon my shoulder tranquilly as any Indian papoose might do on its mother's breast.

52 examples of  papooses  in sentences