48 examples of paradiso in sentences

[Footnote 7: "De' frutti a lui del Paradiso diero, Di tal sapor, ch'a suo giudizio, sanza Scusa non sono i due primi parenti, Se pur quei fur si poco ubbidienti.

See his Mangiadore, Sanvittore, Natan, Raban, &c. at the end of the twelfth canto of the Paradiso.

Disse Agricane, e riguardollo in viso: Se tu sei Cristiano, Orlando sei. Chi mi facesse Re del Paradiso, Con tal ventura non la cangierei; Ma sin or ti ricordo e dotti avviso, Che non mi parli de' fatti de' Dei, Perchè potresti predicar invano; Difenda

In five minutes we had seen, handled, and smelt enough to satisfy us with this very odd and very nasty vagary of tropic nature; and as we did not wish to become faint and ill, between the sulphuretted hydrogen and the blaze of the sun reflected off the hot black pitch, we hurried on over the water-furrows, and through the sedge-beds to the farther shoreto find ourselves in a single step out of an Inferno into a Paradiso.

Longfellow thus translates Dante's description of the sphere of the moon in canto II of the Paradiso:

Dante's Paradiso, canto X, Longfellow's translation.

Dante mentions a similar stairway in canto XXII of the Paradiso, and intimates that the vision of it is disclosed only to true mystics.

[Footnote 2: Read Dante's description in canto XXXII of the Paradiso] VI Allí estaban los santos profetas que habréis visto groseramente esculpidos en las portadas de piedra de nuestras catedrales; allí las vírgenes luminosas, que intenta en vano copiar de sus sueños el pintor en los vidrios de colores de las ojivas; allí los querubines, con sus largas y flotantes vestidura?

Read Dante's description of the heavenly hierarchy in canto XXVIII of the Paradiso.

[Footnote *: The Virgin] Dante's Paradiso, canto XXXI, Longfellow's Translation.]

A rhythmic circling accompanied by song is characteristic of all of the heavenly choirs in Dante's Paradiso.

Paradiso, canto XXI, Charles Eliot Norton's translation.

[Footnote 2: The most celebrated work of this world-famous poet (1265-1321) is the Divina Commedia which is divided into three parts,Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso.

[Footnote 14: "Che dentro a gli occhi suoi ardeva un riso Tal, ch' io pensai co' miei toccar lo fondo De la mia grazia e del mio Paradiso.

of the "Paradiso," which exhibits a multitude of mutilations and alterations.

Femina causa fuit cur homo ruit a paradiso; Qua redit ad vitam, femina causa fuit.

Mr. Voltaire tells us, without proof, that the first hint of Paradise Lost was taken from a farce called Adamo, written by a player; Dr. Pearce, that it was derived from an Italian tragedy, called Il Paradiso Perso; and Mr. Peck, that it was borrowed from a wild romance.

SEE Imrey, Ferenc. PARADISO, JOHN B., SR.

SEE Imrey, Ferenc. PARADISO, JOHN B., SR.

Every reader of Dante will remember the sublime hymn towards the close of the Paradiso: "Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio!

] In his "Paradiso" (c. xxxii.), Dante represents Eve, Rachel, Sara, Ruth, Judith, as seated at the feet of the Virgin Mary, beneath her throne in heaven; and next to Rachel, by a refinement of spiritual and poetical gallantry, he has placed his Beatrice.

As regarded the strictures of his correspondent, his triumphant answer in the shape of the Paradiso lay yet unfinished, so the author of the De Vulgari Eloquio trifled with the charge and purported to compose the present poem in earnest of reform.

PURGATORIO, region in Dante's "Commedia" intermediate between the Inferno, region of lost souls, and the Paradiso, region of saved souls, and full of all manner of obstructions which the penitent, who would pass from the one to the other, must struggle with in soul-wrestle till he overcome, the most Christian section, thinks Carlyle, of Dante's poem.

it was who thought it would be found in the New World; se nel mondo e alcun paradiso terrestre.]

We welcome Signor GALASSI (a sporting title, reminding us of Gay Lass), with MARIA PERI (who must appear in Il Paradiso), and GIULIA RAVOGLI.

48 examples of  paradiso  in sentences