14 examples of paraffined in sentences

Place some bits of shaving in the tube, cork it, and make the cork perfectly air-tight by coating it with bees wax or paraffine.

Beeswax or paraffine.

Make the cork perfectly air-tight by coating it with beeswax or paraffine.

These iron contacts are connected with the divisions of a rheostat, R, arranged in a tight compartment surrounded with paraffine, near the tube.

As cotton is very absorbent, I had them paraffined.

Some consider the following a more efficient method: select perfect bunches, and dip the broken end of the stems in melted paraffine or sealing wax.

The result was that milk exposed to the following substances retained odors as described: Coal gas, distinct; paraffine oil, strong; turpentine, very strong; onions, very strong; tobacco smoke, very strong; ammonia, moderate; musk, faint; asafetida, distinct; creosote, strong; cheese (stale), distinct; chloroform, moderate; putrid fish, very bad; camphor, moderate; decayed cabbage, distinct.

Nice table cutlery packed away for a season may be kept from rusting by covering the metal portion with a thin coating of paraffine.

One of the best means is to dip them into melted paraffine, which seals the ends and prevents loss of moisture there.

The ends of these sticks will be paraffined to prevent checking.

While still warm the specimen will be dipped in hot paraffine.

Form into bonbons, color and flavor any desired way; dip in melted chocolate, to which has been added a small piece of wax or paraffine.

" I suppose, madam, that you must sometimes have noticed one of the top candles of a chandelier, when the room gets hot, suddenly bending over and drooping and shedding tears of hot paraffine on the candles below, and perhaps on the table; and if you can remember what that overcome candle looked like, you will have an idea of what Miss Pondar looked like when she found out Lord Edward was a dog.

To the right of the door he saw a chest of drawers, upon which rested a little paraffine lamp of special pattern, different from anything he had ever seen before.

14 examples of  paraffined  in sentences