656 examples of parapet in sentences

rang out his voice above the din of battle, and leaping the parapet of the entrenchment he charged the enemy down the ravine.

They densely manned the parapet, with fixed bayonets and hand grenades.

A few Austrians reached our parapet, but none got into our trenches.

Fresh men instantly manned them, and, after a brief struggle, Captain Howard, of the voltigeurs, gained a foothold on the parapet.

Many flung themselves over the parapet and down the hillside and were dashed in pieces against the rocks.

Tipp never mounted the box of a stage-coach in his life; or leaned against the rails of a balcony; or walked upon the ridge of a parapet; or looked down a precipice; or let off a gun; or went upon a water-party; or would willingly let you go if he could have helped it: neither was it recorded of him, that for lucre, or for intimidation, he ever forsook friend or principle.

Only look down over that bridge-parapet, at that huge black-mouthed sewer, vomiting its pestilential riches across the mud.

I wonder" He went back abruptly to the parapet and looked over, but Tellier and his companion had disappeared.

"Then Parks jumped up on to the parapet with a pail of bombs and ran along.

Convinced that St. Luke's was not here, we proceeded to the head of the third street, and down it were more rails, sundry children, a woman sweeping the parapet, and the gable of a mill.

(Leaning over the parapet.)

I could feel my heart beating against the marble parapet of the balcony.

And a very old man was harmlessly spreading a stock of picture postcards on the parapet of the bridge.

And while Frank went to him I leaned over the other parapet and listened for the delicate murmur of the stream far below.

The sculptured parapet of the north aisle is interesting.

The church has an octagonal tower with the rare feature that its sides are the same form from base to parapet.

Outside the window ran a parapet.

If they come here you must take to the parapet, and go some distance along.

Sometimes the road winds along dizzy precipices, without parapet to guard him from the gulfs below, and then will plunge down steep, and dark, and dangerous declivities.

It is rumoured that a Hun patrol, crawling to the edge of our parapet, saw in the ghastly glare of a Verey light the benign and spectacled countenance of Second-Lieut.

The Hun was puzzled at this departure from routine, and opened a morose machine-gun fire which skimmed the top of the parapet and covered Second-Lieut.

A grenade thrown by one of the French soldiers struck the parapet and rebounded amongst the men.

On the upper terrace I found Von Reuss, lolling against the parapet with other blue flittermice, his peershe himself no flittermouse, indeed, but of the true Casimir vampire breed, horrid of tooth, nocturnal, desirous of lusts and blood.

At that point it was merely a parapet of crumbling yellow rock.

There is a good parapet along the aisles, and the rood-loft stair has an external turret.

656 examples of  parapet  in sentences