85 examples of parvenu in sentences

But Senator Sprague was too firmly enshrined in the loyalty of the district to be overcome by the parvenu's manoeuvres or his money.

But two motives entered into the father's determination: one was to annoy and humiliate the Spragues; the other, the sleepless craving of the parvenu to get for his son what had not been his, in spite of all the adulation paid himthe conceded equality of social condition.

He could not rely for support upon the haughty magnates who could trace their descent back for centuries and despised the parvenu with a shorter pedigree and a smaller estate.

For all that, however, Hunyady had a good deal of trouble with the chief aristocrats, Garay, Czillei, Ujlaki, who, envying the parvenu his sudden promotion and despising his obscure origin, took up arms to resist his authority.

Such places as Chichester may indeed stand for England in a way that Manchester, for instance, with its cosmopolitan population and egotistical ambition, its greed, its helplessness, and appalling intellectual mongrelism and parvenu and international society, can never hope to do.

So much difference was there between the position and requirements of an educated and opulent first-citizen, and a low-born military parvenu, whom, however, Cosmo was most earnest to encourage and to strengthen in his designs against the liberties of Lombardy.

Of the ugly achievements of that dreadful century, the nineteenth, the most illuminating was the discovery of itself as the ape-parvenu.

The ape-parvenu, desperately lonely and secretive, has still to understand himself.

Finally came the Darwinian revelation of man as the ape-parvenu, which completed the disintegration of the old restraints.

And he, son of a parvenu, led the life of a rich, elegant idler.

Even now the German Navy, the pride of the commercial and industrial classes throughout the German Empire, is regarded by them with uneasy suspicion as a parvenu service, in which the old Prussian influences count for less in promotion than technical skill and practical efficiency.

[Coll.]; fat of the land, milk and honey, loaves and fishes. made man, lucky dog, enfant gate [Fr.], spoiled child of fortune. upstart, parvenu, skipjack^, mushroom.

rough diamond, tomboy, hoyden, cub, unlicked cub^; clown &c (commonalty) 876; Goth, Vandal, Boeotian; snob, cad, gent; parvenu &c 876; frump, dowdy; slattern &c 653.

[Slang], tiller of the soil; hewers of wood and drawers of water, groundling^; gaffer, loon, put, cub, Tony Lumpkin^, looby^, rube [U.S.], lout, underling; gamin; rough; pot- wallopper^, slubberdegullion^; vulgar fellow, low fellow; cad, curmudgeon. upstart, parvenu, skipjack^; nobody, nobody one knows; hesterni quirites [Lat.], pessoribus orti [Lat.]; bourgeois gentilhomme [Fr.], novus homo

The first act is devoted to an elaborate painting of a somewhat revolting phase of parvenu society in Paris.

Was he,a man of ancient and noble family;to be hastily condemned by his fellow-nobles on the word of this 'foreigner', as he contemptuously called Cicerothis parvenu from Arpinum?

But the parvenu of Arpinumthe 'new man', as aristocratic jealousy always loved to call himis by no means insensible to the true honours of ancestry.

My copy is pretty, as I have improved a good deal on the whole; but my work looks parvenu.

And Jenkins major received nothing; and being too weak to punch Thompson's head (as he desired) waylaid him opposite the cemetery gate on his way home, and said "Parvenu!" which was doubly insulting; for, in the first place, French was Thompson's weakest subject, and secondly, his father was a haberdasher in a small way, who spoke with awe of the Jenkinses as a family that had practised law in the town for six generations.

It was the immense, the profound, the incommensurable peasantry of the financier and the parvenu, beaming, like a pitiful sun, upon the idolatrous town which wallowed on the ground the while it uttered impure psalms before the impious tabernacle of banks.

It must also be remembered that Akenside possessed a delicate constitution, keen senses, and irritable nerves; and that he was a parvenu, lacking the power of self-control even among strangers.

Mention has been made of the feminine side of Marivaux's writings, but the Paysan parvenu, published in 1735, some six years before the last publication of Marianne is of an entirely different type.

The style of the Paysan parvenu is simpler, less diffuse, bolder, and more virile, than that of Marianne; but its characters are uniformly less noble, and, if its general intent is not immoral, at least many of the scenes verge upon the risqué.

" Another trait common to Marianne and le Paysan parvenu, and indeed in a degree to all of his writings, is his detestation of false piety and his attack upon hypocrisy in all its forms, whether in the person of M. de Climal, M. Doucin or Mlle.

Mon bonheur ensuite m'a mis chez Madame, , à force de se démener, je le trouve parvenu à votre intendance, ce qu'il ne troqueroit pas contre la place d'un empereur.

85 examples of  parvenu  in sentences