28 examples of passioned in sentences

There were many martyrs whose sufferings were recorded in no acta or passiones, but were imprinted on the memory of men and became part of the traditions handed down in the community, until they were finally committed to writing.

new made: Gaudeamus omnes in Domino, diem festum celebrantes, sub honore beati Thomae Martyris, de cujus passione gaudent angeli et collaudant filium Dei.

My state is fearefull and my mynd was troubled Even at thy entrance with most fearefull vissions Which made my passiones more extreame and hastye.

Qualis in oculis hominum qui inversis pedibus ambulat, talis in oculis sapientum et angelorum qui sibi placet, aut cui passiones dominantur.

2. Libello, an graviores passiones, &c. 2760.

3. Omnibus opitulator morbis, quos atrabilis excitavit comitialibus iisque presertim qui Hypocondriacas obtinent passiones.

Bonus Alexander, tantam lapide Arnteno confidentiam habuit, ut omnes melancholicas passiones ab eo curari posse crederet, et ego inde saepissime usus sum, et in ejus exhibitione nunquam fraudatus fui.

'Exclamans quod se Deus reliquisset, &c. Habes ipsum exclamantem in passione, Deus meus, Deus meus, ut quid me dereliquisti?

What avowal did this maiden of ardent feeling make to this hot-passioned man?

The psychology of Descartes, which has had important results, divides cogitationes into two classes: actiones and passiones.

Thus it was literary and bibliographical accomplishments which recommended Winckelmann formerly to Count Bünau and later to Cardinal Passione.

Why, sometimes, out in the hills, in the torrid quiet of summer noons, she had knelt by the shaded pools, and buried her hands in the great slumberous beds of water-lilies, her blood curdling in a feverish languor, a passioned trance, from which she roused herself, weak and tired.

When anything went wrong with him, he became moody and vehement: "Non vi maravigliate che io vi abbi scritto alle volte cosi stizosamente, che io ò alle volte di gran passione, per molte cagioni che avengono a chi è fuor di casa."

Una passione coniugale.

Joseph A. Babor & Alexander Lehrman (A); 23Dec68; R451168. BACH, J. S. La passione di N. S. Gesu Cristo secondo S. Matteo.

SEE Gist, Noel P. <pb id='544.png' n='1968h2/A/2823' /> RICORDI (G.) & C., S.P.A. La passione di N.S. Gesu Cristo secondo S. Matteo.

La passione di N.S. Gesu Cristo secondo S. Matteo.

La passione di N.S. Gesu Cristo secondo S. Matteo.

Una passione coniugale.

Joseph A. Babor & Alexander Lehrman (A); 23Dec68; R451168. BACH, J. S. La passione di N. S. Gesu Cristo secondo S. Matteo.

SEE Gist, Noel P. <pb id='544.png' n='1968h2/A/2823' /> RICORDI (G.) & C., S.P.A. La passione di N.S. Gesu Cristo secondo S. Matteo.

La passione di N.S. Gesu Cristo secondo S. Matteo.

La passione di N.S. Gesu Cristo secondo S. Matteo.

With passioned and thrilling embracement, With straining of breast unto breast, With sighing and trembling and transport In lust's unrestrained, giddy zest So revelled 'mid desolate ruins, Of Lovers,past counting at least!

List to thee o'er and o'er when near; Yet passioned glances thou dost silence

28 examples of  passioned  in sentences