113 examples of pastels in sentences

Antique chairs of various kinds stood around in disorder, while for sole adornment, along the walls, hung with an old salon Empire paper of a rose pattern, were nailed pastels of flowers of strange coloring dimly visible.

"Are you so taken up with the copying of those flowers that you can't speak?" This was another of the labors which he often intrusted to herto make drawings, aquarelles, and pastels, which he afterward used in his works as plates.

"Another to nail there!" resumed the doctor, pointing to the wall, on which there was already a row of strangely curious pastels.

More than all, she abandoned the pastels, copies of flowers from nature that she had been making, to serve as plates to a work on artificial fecundations.

And downstairs, they loved, too, the dining-room, so gay with its light panels relieved by blue bands, its antique mahogany furniture, its large flower pastels, its brass hanging lamp, always shining.

And he pointed to the walls, on which bloomed the fantastic parterre of the old pastels, flowers not of the earth, grown in the soil of paradise.

For several days she cherished in secret a projectto work and earn money, a great deal of money, with her pastels.

But what most moved her to-day was the sight of her old pastels hanging against the wall, the copies which she had made of living flowers, scrupulously exact copies, and of dream flowers of an imaginary world, whither her wild fancy sometimes carried her.

How I hate this atrocious Strand lodging-house, how I long for my apartment in Rue de la Tour des Dames, with all its charming adjuncts, palms and pastels, my cat, my python, my friends, blond hair and dark.

And moreover Redwood gave orders, so far ahead did his imagination go, for specially large tubes of liquid paint and boxes of pastels against the time when they should be needed.

LURIE, H. LEE. Pastel painting.

She made her début at Ghent in 1820, and in Brussels in 1821, with water-colors and pastels, and some of her miniatures figured in the various exhibitions at Brussels between 1830 and 1848, and in Ghent between 1835 and 1838.

Paints in oils and pastels, landscapes especially, of which she exhibited seventeen in June, 1902.

Since 1884 this artist has taught drawing in the Municipal School for Girls in Naples, and has executed many portraits in oil, as well as numerous pastels and water-colors.

Mrs. Jopling's pastels are of an unusual quality, delicate, strong, and brilliant.

J. E. Vincent was her master in miniature painting, while Latour instructed her in the use of pastels.

In the Studio, November, 1900, we read: "Miss McCrossan's exhibition of pictures and sketches displayed a pleasant variety of really clever work, mostly in oils, with a few water-colors and pastels.

Rapin is unmistakably one of the best Swiss portraitists, working for the most part in pastels, her medium by predilection; she has at the same time modelled portraits in bas-relief.

How I hate this atrocious Strand lodging-house, how I long for my apartment in Rue de la Tour des Dames, with all its charming adjuncts, palms and pastels, my cat, my python, my friends, blond hair and dark.

If there had been a garish brightness about her when he had first seen her, the brilliancy of a mirror playing in the sun against his feeble eyes, there was now a blending of pastel shades, for the hall was dimly illumined and the shadow tarnished her hair and her pallor was like cold stone; even her eyes were misted by fear.

[They go about chuckling and poking old ladylike fun at all the more eccentric Pastels, and continue to enjoy themselves immensely.

[A Superior Person has entered the West Gallery, accompanied by a Responsive Lady, who has already grasped the fact that a taste for Pastels is the sure sign of a superior nature.

They don't seem to mind what coloured paper they use for Pastels, do they?

It iseralways advisable in Pastels to use a tone of paper to harmonise as nearly as possible with the particular tone youerwant.

In the same gallery may be seen a series of pastels of Hampstead Heath, by Mr. HENRY MUHRMANa merman ought to be a sea-painter by rights, but no matter!

113 examples of  pastels  in sentences