665 examples of pastimes in sentences

Hence, we find that the works of nature enter largely into children's pastimes; a few specimens of their rhymes and games associated with plants we quote below.

We are perhaps over-fond of these arid pastimes nowadays.

You may look in your mirror and note these accidents with satisfaction; you may feel young and indulge in the pastimes of youth without effort.

It will absorb all other pleasures and pastimes.

well then, I pray, What sports, what pastimes, shall we first assay? TOSS.

Marry, first, sir, we both pray you heartily, To take a poor supper with us here hard by, Where we will determine by common consent, What pastimes are fittest for us to frequent. PROD.

He took an active part in the organization and promotion of the naval reserve, and never lost an opportunity to show his zeal in the development of the shipping industry and the aquatic pastimes.

"Each player had four cards dealt to him, one by one, the seven was the highest card, in point of number, that he could avail himself of, which counted for twenty-one, the six counted for sixteen, the five for fifteen, and the ace for the same," &c. (Sports and Pastimes, 247.)

In the Sports and Pastimes of Mr. Strutt, a variety of instances are given of the importance attached to the office of falconer, and of the immense value of, and high estimation the birds themselves were held in from the commencement of the Norman government, down to the reign of James I., in which Sir Thomas Monson gave £1000 for a cast of hawks, which consisted of only two.

[Footnote 41: Of the game called one and thirty, I am unable to find any mention in Mr. Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, nor is it alluded to in any of the old plays or tracts I have yet met with.

Improvements came by degrees, until they set in very rapidly, but probably by 1750, when hunting had progressed a good deal, and pace was increased in all pastimes, the old-fashioned Pointer was voted a nuisance through his extreme caution and tortoise-like movements.

He is a valuable help in the tracking of boar, wolf, and deer, and he is also frequently engaged in the lighter pastimes of pheasant and partridge shooting.


It is not surprising that in those countries which abound in sunshine and fresh, health-giving air, the inhabitants will invariably be found to be not only keen sportsmen, but also accomplished experts in all the games and pastimes for which England has long been famous.

" That hunting was practised here in these days is evident, for Thomas Randall, of Cambridge, writes in the same volume: "Such royal pastimes Cotteswold mountains fill, When gentle swains visit Anglonicus hill, When with such packs of hounds they hunting go As Cyrus never woon'd his bugle to.

Golf and archery are popular pastimes in the merry Cotswolds.

It is somewhat remarkable that this district has produced in recent years the amateur lady champions of England in each of these fascinating pastimes, Lady Margaret Scott, of Stowell, being facile princeps among lady golfers, whilst Mrs. Christopher Bowly, of Siddington, even now holds the same position in relation to the ancient practice of archery.

As long as war is absent, and we "live at home at ease," so long will our sports and pastimes flourish and increase.

It will be a bad day for England when success in our sports and pastimes no longer depends on the exercise of pluck and manliness; when hunting gives place to bicycling, and cricket to golf; when, in fact, the wholesome element of danger is removed from our recreation and pursuits.

exclaimed Mr. Lawrence Bury, with real or well-assumed enthusiasm; but Zelma, replying to his interruption only by a slight blush, went on to say, that she had been taught that poetry, art, and romances were all idle pastimes and perilous lures, unbecoming and unwholesome to a young English gentlewoman, whose manifest destiny it was to tread the dull, beaten track of domestic duty, with spirit chastened and conformed.

As it professes to be a complete encyclopaedia of the sports and pastimes of youth, it contains, 1.

And, in my stripling age, did I not love The pastimes suited to those madcap days?

How much better for the boy to have been like these good children, and joined with them in their pleasant pastimes.

But she continued to waste her days in the inane pastimes of Saint X's fashionable world, though ashamed of herself and disgusted with her mode of life.

It was a hobby, and one of his few pastimes was to skirmish in strange little shops for some particularly old and strong-smelling piece at a reasonable price.

665 examples of  pastimes  in sentences