16804 examples of paul in sentences

Jean Daniel Paul Etienne Levade (1750-1834), Protestant minister first in England, then in Amsterdam, finally minister at Lausanne and professor of theology at the Académie of the same town.

On this account it appears at first sight of less size than the Church of St Paul's in London.

On this column stands the statue of St Paul.

The two Bills [Sir Robert Peel's in 1846 and the Bill of 1847] were so entirely different that to call them by a common name, though perhaps inevitable, is also inevitably misleading" ("History of Modern England," Herbert Paul, vol.

"It contained," says Mr. Herbert Paul, "the finest of all Lord Palmerston's speeches, the first great speech of Gladstone, the last speech of Sir Robert Peel, and the most elaborate of those forensic harangues, delivered successively at the Bar, in the Senate, and on the Bench, by the accomplished personage best known as Lord Chief Justice Cockburn."

X. Mr. Herbert Paul, in his brilliant "History of Modern England," gives a version of this occurrence, which, on the whole, is hardly less harsh towards Lord John.

On this subject they literally fulfil the declaration of Paul, "that every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused;" but I fear the poor creatures, in these straits, do anything but show the true spirit of thanksgiving in which the admonition is given.

He is called "the beloved physician," by St. Paul.

Paul's idea of languagesExamples in the ChippewaThe Chippewa a pure form of the AlgonquinReligion in the wildernessIncidentsCongressional excitementsCommercial view of the copper mine questionTrip to Tackwymenon Falls, in Lake Superior.

"There are, it may be," says Paul, "many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification."

In the exemplification of St. Paul's idea, that all languages are given to men, with an exact significance of words and forms, and therefore not vaguely, there is the highest warrant for their study; and the time thus devoted cannot be deemed as wasted or thrown away.

At the age of twenty-two years he was received as a member of the Sorbonne; and having obtained a dispensation from Paul V for the bishopric of Luçon, was consecrated at Rome by the Cardinal de Givry, in 1607.

SEE Deleutre, Paul Charles Philippe Eric.

SEE Deleutre, Paul Charles Philippe Eric.

SEE Deleutre, Paul Charles Philippe Eric.

SEE Deleutre, Paul Charles Philippe Eric.

R105832 ... SEE Deleutre, Paul Charles Philippe Eric.

SEE Deleutre, Paul Charles Philippe Eric.

SEE Deleutre, Paul Charles Philippe Eric.

SEE Haworth, Paul Leland.


Our country's history, by Paul L. Haworth and Alfred W. Garner.

Mrs. Paul L. Haworth (W); 1Apr54; R129154. HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL, ed.


Paul Griswold Howes (A); 14May54; R130538.

16804 examples of  paul  in sentences