20 examples of pauperized in sentences

You have pauperized and degraded them, and they hate you for it.

Even in pocket you are suffering nowas all England is sufferingfrom the existence of heathens and savages, reckless, profligate, pauperized.

It is such a pity to pauperize the people.

" "You cannot pauperize a man who has absolutely nothing," replied Paul.

It is dangerous to pauperize them.

The land-holding peasantry of Englandand it is here that the revolution was accomplishedhad been largely dispossessed and pauperized under Henry VIII, Edward VI and Elizabeth, while the development of the wool-growing industry had restricted the arable land to a point where it no longer gave employment to the mass of field labourers.

V. be poor &c adj.; want, lack, starve, live from hand to mouth, have seen better days, go down in the world, come upon the parish; go to the dogs, go to wrack and ruin; not have a penny &c (money) 800, not have a shot in one's locker; beg one's bread; tirer le diable par la queue [Fr.]; run into debt &c (debt) 806. render poor &c adj.; impoverish; reduce, reduce to poverty; pauperize, fleece, ruin, bring to the parish.

They told us that the labourerthe unhappy labourerof whom it may be said in this country, Here landless labourers hopeless toil and strive, But taste no portion of the sweets they hive, that the labourer was to be ruined; that is, that the paupers were to be pauperized.

Industrial crises follow each other with increasing severity and the masses are becoming more and more pauperized.

It was a fatal error to permit the escape of knowledge in that way; and when southern Europe, now priest-ridden and pauperized, learns to read and write, the sleek blood-suckers will eat plainer food and the poor will not go entirely destitute.

The rule of the committee in the disbursement of this money was not to pauperize the people, but to help those who helped themselves, and to require a return in some form for every penny that was given.

Why, what are all poor-rates and county-rates, if you will consider, but God's plain proof to us, that the poor are members of the same body as ourselves; and that if we will not help them of our own free will, we shall find it necessary to help them against our will: that if we will not pay a little to prevent them becoming pauperized or criminal, we must pay a great deal to keep them when they have become so?

They flocked to her, though she did not pauperize them by giving her services free.

We do not believe in giving money outright to pauperize these young people, but the money must be there or they can not be taken into the household, and trained and fitted to do valiant service for Christ, and the nation and the world.

A large number of poor Filipinos, who were in dire straits, were thus given an opportunity for remunerative employment, and the distribution of a portion of the congressional relief fund in this way was in entire harmony with the fixed policy of the commission to avoid pauperizing the people by giving money or food outright to able-bodied persons, and to afford them relief by furnishing them opportunity to work for a good wage.

If the money spent every winter in pauperizing the unemployed by giving them free soup, could be devoted to settling colonies upon our uncultivated lands, the vexing problems and contests between labor and capital would be easily solved and obliterated; the unskilled poor would be at once enabled to respond to the call of the poet "Come back to your mother, ye children, for shame, Who have wandered like truants for riches or fame!

" The inevitable result followed: the lion and the lamb lay down together, with the lamb inside the lion, thousands of formerly well-to-do people were pauperized.

There were some women who hesitated before they consented to pauperize themselves by marrying.

As we came up to the stranger, we heard him say to a man, 'I tell you, sir, these bonds will pauperize unborn gener'

She died, and left him broken-hearted and poor, impoverished by the doctors, and pauperized by the undertaker.

20 examples of  pauperized  in sentences