4720 examples of pearling in sentences

"In his downgoing from the Tolbooth to the place of execution, he was very richly clad in fine scarlet, laid over with rich silver lace, his hat in his hand, his bands and cuffs exceeding rich, his delicate white gloves on his hands, his stockings of incarnate silk, and his shoes with their ribbands on his feet; and sarks provided for him with pearling about, above ten pund the elne.

It is a very nice one, a ruby and a pearl heart connected by a diamond Marquis's coronet.

Then suitable occasions we must seize, As at a feast, to show them by degrees: A chain at first, pearl ear-drops then,your mother Won't see them, or we'll coin some tale or other.

If the diamond be the hardest known substance in the world's jewel-box, the pearl is by no means its near relation in that particular.

Pearl-fisheries in the Persian Gulf are older than the reign of Alexander; and the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Coast of Coromandel yielded their white wonders ages ago.

Under the Ptolemies, in the time of the Caliphs, the pearl-merchant flourished, grew rich, and went to Paradise.

To-day the pearl-diver is grubbing under the waves that are lapping the Sooloo Islands, the coast of Coromandel, and the shores of Algiers.

It is recorded of a pearl-diver, that he died from over-exertion immediately after he reached land, having brought up with him a shell that contained a pearl of great size and beauty.

It is recorded of a pearl-diver, that he died from over-exertion immediately after he reached land, having brought up with him a shell that contained a pearl of great size and beauty.

Barry Cornwall has remembered the poor follow in song so full of humanity, that we quote his pearl-strung lyric entire.

"Within the midnight of her hair, Half hidden in its deepest deeps, A single, peerless, priceless pearl (All filmy-eyed) forever sleeps.

He was a great connoisseur, and could tell at once, when he took a pearl in his hand, its weight and value.

Caligula, not satisfied with building ships of cedar with sterns inlaid with gems, had a pearl-collar made for a favorite horse!

" Shakspeare, who loved all things beautiful, and embalmed them so that their lustre could lose nothing at his hands, was never tired of introducing the diamond and the pearl.

But we have room now for only one of those priceless sentences in which he has set the diamond and the pearl as they were never set before.

" At one end of the group of the buildings is the Moti Majid, or Pearl Mosque, which answered to the private chapel of the Moguls, and has been declared to be "the daintiest building in all India.

He wore a silk shirt, a flower in his buttonhole, a gray tie in which was a pearl as big as a pea, long patent-leather shoes with elaborate buff-colored tops; he carried a thin stick and a pair of new gloves in one hand, but the most conspicuous object in his dress was a brand-new, gray felt hat, with a rather wide brim, which he wore at an angle greater than Mr. Lanley attempted even at his jauntiest.

I have played the coward And in the sloth of false humility, Cast by the pearl I dared not to deserve.

Lo, God brings thee The tonic cup I feared to mix:be brave Drink it to the lees, and thou shalt find within A pearl of price.

He falls a blessed martyr, To bid thee welcome through the gates of pearl; And next to his shall thine own guerdon be If thou devote him willing to thy God.

See 11237.txt, 11237.zip, 11237-h.htm, and 11237-h.zip, found at http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/1/1/2/3/11237/ THE PEARL BOX Containing One Hundred Beautiful Stories for Young People.


The pearling season in the Paumotus was over, and all hands were returning to Tahiti.

I had had some experience in blackbirding before I went pearling in the Paumotus.

It occurred in the Solomons, where our wildest work had been done in the wild young days, and where we were once moreprincipally on a holiday, incidentally to look after our holdings on Florida Island and to look over the pearling possibilities of the Mboli Pass.

4720 examples of  pearling  in sentences