146 examples of ped in sentences

After they had crossed the river, there was a country named Pe-t'oo, where Buddhism was very flourishing, and the monks studied both the mahâyâna and hînayâna.

<Ped, pod> (foot): (1) pedal, pedestrian, pedestal, expedite, expediency, expedition, quadruped, impediment, biped, tripod, chiropodist, octopus, pew; (2) centiped, pedicle, pedometer, velocipede, sesquipedalian, antipodes, podium, polypod, polyp, Piedmont.

Pekompf, pe-kompf', the wildcat.

pe may be almost as soon as you receive this letter.

At last the lit-tle gate was swung wide o-pen, and Wil-lie step-ped bold-ly forth.

With that, Wil-lie en-ter-ed, and soon found that he had plen-ty to do; for his first job was to get the o-gress's din-ner ready, who, in truth, had no de-li-cate ap-pe-tite, for the pro-vi-si-on con-sist-ed of fish, fowl, beef, soup, mut-ton, and ham-pers of ve-ge-ta-bles.

Self-in-dul-gent people are al-ways un-grate-ful; and so the o-gress pro-ved, for she was con-ti-nu-al-ly de-si-ring more and more at the hands of poor Wil-lie, un-til he had no rest: and, one day, when she had been more im-po-sing than u-su-al, he turn-ed round, and told her that she left him hard-ly time to sleep, and that her ap-pe-tite was fright-ful.

"The banks of the Pe-ke-sa-we-see, which we ascended, are elevated and pretty uniform.

Toes : Pe-une.

Whereas with the Strangers, it was a pe

The Souls of the city of Pe, [Footnote: Part of the city of Buto (Per-Uatchit).

The souls of Pe were Horus, Mestha, H[=a]pi.] and the Souls of the city of Nekhen

"Tat I'll knock your tam thick head against tat wall if you'll pe botter me wi' any more o' your tam nonsense.

"I passed another drove," said the squire, with one of your countrymen behind them, they were something less beasts than your drovedoddies most of them; a big man was with themnone of your kilts though, but a decent pair of breeches;d'ye know who he may be?" "Hout aythat might, could, and would pe Hughie MorrisonI didna think he could hae peen sae weel up.

"If these pe jokes," said Robin Oig, with the same composure, "there is ower mony jokes upon one man.

" "And would it not pe petter to be cooed friends without more of the matter?" said Robin; "we will be much petter friendships with our panes hale than broken.

" "To pe peaten like a dog," said Robin; "is there any reason in that?

DAN'GERFLELD (Captain), a hired witness in the "Popish Plot"Sir W. Scott, Pe-veril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

Correction of Murray, in the division of proper names: Hel-en, Leon-ard, Phil-ip, Rob-ert, Hor-ace, Thom-as;Car-o-line, Cath-a-rine, Dan-i-el, Deb-o-rah, Dor-o-thy, Fred-er-ick, Is-a-bel, Jon-a-than, Lyd-i-a, Nich-o-las, Ol-i-ver, Sam-u-el, Sim-e-on, Sol-o-mon, Tim-o-thy, Val-en-tine;A-mer-i-ca, Bar-thol-o-mew, E-liz-a-beth, Na-than-i-el, Pe-nel-o-pe, The-oph-i-lus.

Correction of Murray, in the division of proper names: Hel-en, Leon-ard, Phil-ip, Rob-ert, Hor-ace, Thom-as;Car-o-line, Cath-a-rine, Dan-i-el, Deb-o-rah, Dor-o-thy, Fred-er-ick, Is-a-bel, Jon-a-than, Lyd-i-a, Nich-o-las, Ol-i-ver, Sam-u-el, Sim-e-on, Sol-o-mon, Tim-o-thy, Val-en-tine;A-mer-i-ca, Bar-thol-o-mew, E-liz-a-beth, Na-than-i-el, Pe-nel-o-pe, The-oph-i-lus.

2. Correction of Webster, by Rule 2d: o-yer, fo-li-o, ge-ni-al, ge-ni-us, ju-ni-or, sa-ti-ate, vi-ti-ate;am-bro-si-a, cha-me-le-on, par-he-li-on, con-ve-ni-ent, in-ge-ni-ous, om-nis-ci-ence, pe-cu-li-ar, so-ci-a-ble, par-ti-al-i-ty, pe-cu-ni-a-ry;an-nun-ci-ate, e-nun-ci-ate, ap-pre-ci-ate, as-so-ci-ate, ex-pa-ti-ate, in-gra-ti-ate, in-i-ti-ate, li-cen-ti-ate, ne-go-ti-ate, no-vi-ti-ate, of-fi-ci-ate, pro-pi-ti-ate, sub-stan-ti-ate.

2. Correction of Webster, by Rule 2d: o-yer, fo-li-o, ge-ni-al, ge-ni-us, ju-ni-or, sa-ti-ate, vi-ti-ate;am-bro-si-a, cha-me-le-on, par-he-li-on, con-ve-ni-ent, in-ge-ni-ous, om-nis-ci-ence, pe-cu-li-ar, so-ci-a-ble, par-ti-al-i-ty, pe-cu-ni-a-ry;an-nun-ci-ate, e-nun-ci-ate, ap-pre-ci-ate, as-so-ci-ate, ex-pa-ti-ate, in-gra-ti-ate, in-i-ti-ate, li-cen-ti-ate, ne-go-ti-ate, no-vi-ti-ate, of-fi-ci-ate, pro-pi-ti-ate, sub-stan-ti-ate.

His father and mother were Ped and Matilda Stone Mayfield, who were slaves of Smith Stone who came from Virginia.

"The question is, Kelly, whether Schmidt should pe shot.

TA-RAS-CO'NI-A. Iwo prince of, 156. TARN'KAP-PE.

146 examples of  ped  in sentences