62 examples of pedagogy in sentences

I have already tried to indicate, in my lecture on the Social Organism, certain doubts that are now arising as to the prophylactic and regenerative powers of education, whether this is based on the old foundation of the Trivium and Quadrivium under the supreme dominion of Theology, or on the new foundation of utilitarianism and applied science under the dominion of scientific pedagogy.

The School of Pedagogy has its own methods (I am given to understand), but under correction I submit they are not those of general education.

It has learned that this device has been a trick employed by a crafty pedagogy for the sake of appealing to unimaginative children.

Much has been written on Pedagogy, its history general and special, the common schools and gymnasia; but until 1854 there was not even a general work on the history of the universities.

To Karl von Raumer, former Minister of Public Worship in Prussia, we owe the first Beitrag, as he modestly calls it, the fourth volume of his "History of Pedagogy" being devoted exclusively to these.

Winton is now as famous for St. Mary's College as for the cathedral itself, and though not the earliest foundation of all the great schools, it can claim to having taught Eton the rules of good pedagogy.

That advance therefore of psychology which has transformed pedagogy and criminology has left politics largely unchanged.

In pedagogy also, Locke, and Rousseau, and Herbart, and the many-sided Bentham, based their theories of education upon their conceptions of human nature.

Modern pedagogy, based on modern psychology, is already influencing the schools whose teachers are trained for their profession.

Against stupid pedagogy, against red-tape, against the policy that morality must never interfere with business principles, against civic dirtiness, against brothel and saloon, women are more active than men, because they see more clearly how vitally the interests of their children are affected by these evil conditions.

The pedagogy of St. Paul.

Ten studies in religious pedagogy; one in a series of teacher's training course books.

The great adventure of pedagogy.

Outline of piano pedagogy.

The pedagogy of St. Paul.

Constructive music pedagogy.

A guide for pedagogy.

A guide for pedagogy.

Ten studies in religious pedagogy.

Ten studies in religious pedagogy; one in a series of teacher's training course books.

The great adventure of pedagogy.

Trevor Lloyd (A); 22May72; R529372. LOCKWOOD, S. P. Pedagogy: the three fundamental forces in education.

But the teacher is innocent of the ways of modern pedagogy, and deep and complicated are the snares of the Tamil alphabet with its two hundred and sixteen elusive characters.

2.60 6.30 Journal of Hygiene ........................... q 6.00 3.00 Jour. of Military Service Institute ....... bi-m 2.65 5.00 Jour. of Nervous & Mental Diseases ............. 4.75 2.50 Journal of Philology ............... semi annual 2.45 4.00 Jour. of Physical Chemistry .................... 3.80 1.50 Journal of Pedagogy, Syracuse ...........

The poets of the last ago took to pedagogy (Pope and his school), and shrewd men they were; those of the present age to ground-and-lofty tumbling; and it will do your heart good," he adds, "to see how they vault.

62 examples of  pedagogy  in sentences