148 examples of peece in sentences

Ewers, without a dowt, HIRAM GREEN, Esq., Lait Gustise of the Peece.

Havin' served my country for 4 years as Gustise of the Peece, you can rely on my giving a good sound opinion, from which there haint no repeal to a higher court.

Ewers anon, HIRAM GREEN, Esq., Lait Gustise of the Peece * * * *

That man was willin' to sware that I dropped it, and I larnt enuff about law, when I was Gustise of the Peece, to know I

" Ewers, lite as a fether, HIRAM GREEN, Esq., Lait Gustise of the Peece.

Some others goe further and alledging or rather indeede abusing some peece of the Scripture, where it appeareth that the faithfull haue leaped and daunsed: they thinke verily that they haue founde the beane in the cake, as though this were a proper couerture & cloke to couer the infection and filthines of their daunces.

I, the lait Gustise, which has served his country for 4 yeer as Gustise of the Peece, tells you so; and havin asshiated with a good many big guns in my day, my profetic vision is as clear as Rine wine.

Hopin these few lines will find you in apple-pie order, and able to indulge in numerous frugal meals of hash etc., Ile now say Adux, Ewers, Litterarily, HIRAM GREEN, ESQ., Lait Gustise of the Peece.

That have I sought in him But never peece of good desert could find.

If I doe not Restore your limbs to soundnesse, drive the poyson From the infected part, study your tortures To teare me peece-meale yet be kept alive.

Friend TWAINAllow an old statesman, which has served his country for 4 yeers as Gustise of the Peece, rite a congratulotery letter to you on your success as a boy raisest.

Ewers, parentally, HIRAM GREEN, ESQ., Lait Gustise of the Peece.

Great shame it is to leave, like one afrayd, So fayre a peece* for one repulse so light.

[l Peece, fortress.]

A peece of him.

O my deere Gertrude, this, Like to a murdering Peece in many places, Giues me superfluous death.

I grieve not now that old Menanders veine Is ruin'd to survive in thee againe; Such in his time was he of the same peece, The smooth, even naturall Wit, and Love of Greece.

if it had not bin too little for you, it was the best peece of worke, that ever I sawe.

Come, sir, it is not your painting alone makes your absolute man; ther's as fine a hand to be requir'd in carrying a dish, and as sweete arte to be shew'd in't as in any maister peece whatsoever; better then as you painted the Doctor eene now with his nose in an Urinall. Lass.

Faith, Sir, I am directed to you by Lady Fortune with a peece of plate.

Be gar, me buy too, three peece for make de Cockes-combe pur the foole Earle, ha, ha, ha!

O you dissemble, sir, nor are we come In hope of welcome, but with this poore head-peece To beare the brunt of all discurtesies.

A dainty peece of maydes fleshe.

Oh maye this peece of earthe proove happy to mee As hath the sea bin fatall.

Uncouth Unicorn's horn Unreadie Upper stage Ure Varlet Vaunt-currying Venetian Verjuice made by stamping crab-apples Vie Vild Virgil, quoted Virginal Virginall Jacks Warning-peece Wax, limbes mad[e] out of Webster's White Devil, allusion to Welshmen proud of their gentility Wet finger

148 examples of  peece  in sentences