Do we say peer or pier

peer 854 occurrences

There is a frequent cry for a graduated income-tax; and surely if an unscrupulous demagogue in office were to contrive such a graduation as would subject a peer to three times the income-tax borne by a commoner, it would be a monstrous iniquity if the peers were to have no power of protecting themselves in their own House.

Parke, Sir J., is created a peer for life.

"You should go," said the witty peer, "if to your many vices you would add one more."

Mr. Smithson was smoking a cigarette on the lawn with a sporting peer.

Oh Love, Love, Love, the same in peasant and in peer!

The more honour to you, then, old Love, to be the same thing in this world which is common to peasant and to peer.

The boys walked in silencebut it was a pregnant silence; for as the roof of the Claiborne house began to peer above the crest of the hill, Ross plumped down on a stone and announced, "I ain't goin'.

" Undine remained motionless, and the manicure, suddenly laying both hands on the girl's shoulders, and bending over to peer at her reflection, said playfully: "Ever been engaged before, Undine?"

He thinks it the highest honour to a poet to be patronised by a peer or by some dowager of quality.

He talks familiarly of works that are or are not read "in our circle;" and seated smiling and at his ease in a coronet-coach, enlivening the owner by his brisk sallies and Attic conceits, is shocked, as he passes, to see a Peer of the realm shake hands with a poet.

] Are those her ribs through which the Sun 185 Did peer, as through a grate?

The King of Lakes is exclusive; he disdains to blend his brilliant waters with those of the muddy river; a wavy line, distinctly and clearly defined, but seeming as if drawn by a trembling hand, undulates at their junction,no democratic, union-seeking boundary, but the arbitrary line of division that separates the Sultan from the slave, the peer from the peasant.

Ghosts of faces peer from the gloom Of the chimney, where, with swifts and reel, And the long-disused, dismantled loom, Stands the old-fashioned spinning wheel.

It was the noise of Kew singing joyful extracts from Peer Gynt.

Pickpocket Peer.

But the fashion he set became so strong, That Vidomar was hurried along, And did as many a peer has done On reaching a title and twenty-one, And met the fate that will meet a peer Who lives in state on nothing a year.

But the fashion he set became so strong, That Vidomar was hurried along, And did as many a peer has done On reaching a title and twenty-one, And met the fate that will meet a peer Who lives in state on nothing a year.

He saw Mr. Carrington stoop down by the side of the pool, with his hand against the old alder stem, and peer into the water, but of course he could not appreciate the surprise and pleasure with which Mr. Carrington beheld the big unfamiliar-looking blobs and threads of the algal scum at the bottom.

Peer International Corp. (PWH); 21Jul67; R414210.


Now, as the ruddy rays of morning peer, Him seem'd his kind physician's step drew near; She comes; his cheeks with new-found blushes burn; Nogivashe, too, blushes in her turn: Love sure had neither spar'd; yet at the last Faintly she asks him how the night had pass'd?

Once during the day he may perhaps steal round the farmhouse, and peer wistfully from behind the tubs or buckets into the kitchen, when, if the mistress chances to be about, he is pretty certain to pick up some trifle in the edible line.

Several times some sound caused the boys to raise their guns to their shoulders and peer about in all directions, but nothing could they see save the trees and rocks, and they ascribed the noises to some denizen of the forest roaming about.

The Duke of Nemours protested against the choice of commissioners, and claimed, as a peer of the realm, his right to be tried by the parliament.

They would climb up on the outside, and tier upon tier of gaunt, wretched faces would peer in above, to watch us, and see if indeed we were as ill provided as we represented ourselves.

pier 754 occurrences

I ran out of the house, rushed down to the pier, intending, after dark, to drop quietly into the water and end all.

The diving tower was on the end of the pier and belonged exclusively to the Sharks; it was fifteen feet high, and had seven different diving boards placed at various heights.

There was also a low diving board at the side of the pier for the Perch to practice on.

Shortly before seven that evening, when the Avenue girls were dancing in the bungalow, Sahwah and Hinpoha and Agony quietly detached themselves from the group and slipped down to the dock to find Katherine and Oh-Pshaw and Jean Lawrence already down there, swinging their feet over the end of the pier and waiting for something to happen.

Miss Judy was leaning over the edge of the pier untying the launch.

Lorenzo's son, Pier Francesco de' Medici, had a son Giovanni de' Medici.

All are well, and started last week for Narragansett Pier.

Halloway stood near Gerald in the crowd, but he did not attempt to join her until the raft reached the pier and was made fast.

The damage done to the pier was by a Prussian shell in Jan. 1871.]

Then, with the unreasoned impetuousness of a charging bull, he turned and flung shoreward down the pier.

Suddenly the boy stopped groaning, swung Simpson's kit-bag on his shoulder, and sidled up the pier.

Witherbee did not speak; Simpson, still raging, left him, strode to the end of the pier, and stood there, leaning on a pile.

Simpson, standing at the pier-end, was suffering from them now.

Except for himself and Witherbee the pier was deserted; behind him the filthy town slept in its filth.

Witherbee glanced over his shoulder, and, although they were the only people on the pier, from force of habit he dropped his voice.

My office is the first house on the left after you leave the pier.

It is well known that Peter of Colechurch, the founder of Old London Bridge, did not live to witness the completion of the structure, but died in 1205, and was buried in a crypt within the centre pier of the bridge, over which a chapel was erected, dedicated to St. Thomas-à-Becket.

Mr. Brayley, in his Londiniana, wrote about five years since that "if due care be taken when the old bridge is pulled down, the bones and ashes of its venerable architect may still be found;"and, true enough, the bones of old Peter were found on removing the pier about a fortnight since.

On clearing the street, I observed a larger throng on the old pier than was wont to gather there on ordinary occasions.

At the further end was a group of persons in earnest conversation, whom I distinguished as the knowing ones and long-heads of the place; while their younger companions were engaged in parties walking briskly to and fro on the pier.

Four or five, however, were afloat, and lurching heavily alongside the pier, whither the tide had not long reached; the wind rattling amongst the masts, shrouds, and half-bent sails of some craft which had just run in for shelter from the impending storm.

Presently the two little orphan sisters of the missing men came upon the pier, and Helstone, the pilot, and some of the others anxiously endeavoured to cheer and console them.

Poor things," he said, turning to me, as the children went farther on the pier, "their two brothers are the only friends they have got in the world, and if they are gone who is to take care of them?

Heavy masses of breakers were continually striking the pier-head with fearful crashes; now bursting over, amid seas of spray, with resistless impetuosity, drenching every one under its lee; now recoiling for a brief moment, as if to gather strength, leaving a smooth, hollow waste of oily sealike the treacherous pauses of human passion,and then returning with wilder haste and tenfold added fury to the onset.

I left the pier, and bent my course away from Landwithiel.

Do we say   peer   or  pier