470 examples of penelope in sentences

Penelope was very pretty and very bright.

"By Jove, it's Penelope, don't you know," ejaculated the duke, dropping his monocle and blinking his eye as if to rest it for the time being.

"I should like to see this terrible Mr. Shaw," observed Penelope at table.

" "He was good enough to souse himself this morning," volunteered Penelope.

" At dinner that night the Honorable Penelope restored the watch to her brother, much to his embarrassment, for he had told the duke it was being repaired in town.

CHAPTER III IN WHICH A DOG TRESPASSES Penelope was a perverse and calculating young person.

The momentary glimpse of a real man set Penelope's opinions on edge for the remainder of the day and night.

Penelope, flushed with disgust and humiliation, drew near a crowd of men and women in the long living-room.

Occasions there were when Penelope was compelled to equivocate shamefully in order to escape the companionship of the duke, the count, or others of their ilk.

Penelope, full of smouldering anger, had spent the afternoon in her room, disdaining every call of sociability.

Penelope, poor as a church mouse, was almost wholly dependent upon her brother, who in turn owed his present affluence to the more or less luckless movement of the matrimonial market.

Penelope observed that the party displayed varying emotions.

" Penelope could not resist the temptation to invent a story befitting the moment.

" "I wish you could have seen him this morning," murmured Penelope, thoroughly enjoying the unexpected situation.

" "To act as ambassador from Cowardice Court?" questioned Penelope, loftily, yet with cutting significance.

Perhaps I can do something for her," said Penelope, following the butler from the room.

Does he expect me to take him up on your account and have him here?" "I was jesting when I said he would come to-morrow," said Penelope, ignoring the thrust and hurrying to her subject.

"Penelope Drake!" was all she could say.

Penelope was making her way through the blackest of nights toward the home of Randolph Shaw.

Gradually Penelope recovered from the effects of the mad race up the hill.

Penelope's heart, at that.

"Penelope is out in all this," moaned his lordship.

Now, who could that be but Penelope?"

Moreover he explained, it would be the height of folly to attack the house until they were sure that Penelope was on the inside.

Penelope's convulsed face was glued to the kitchen window, her eyes peering into the fog beyond.

470 examples of  penelope  in sentences