98 examples of penobscot in sentences

He thought that the principal locality for the white-pine that came down the Penobscot now was at the head of the East Branch and the Allegash, about Webster Stream and Eagle and Chamberlain Lakes.

After this, on Old Fort Hill, at, the bend of the Penobscot, three miles above Bangor, looking for the site of an Indian town which some think stood thereabouts, I found more arrow-heads, and two little dark and crumbling fragments of Indian earthenware, in the ashes of their fires.

She pointed out a 32 footer at anchor in Penobscot Bay.

SIR: I lose no time in advising Your Excellency that Ebenezer S. Greely, esq., a citizen of this State, while employed within its limits and under its authority in taking an enumeration of the inhabitants of the county of Penobscot residing north of the surveyed and located townships, has been arrested a second time by the provincial authorities of New Brunswick, and is now in confinement in the jail of Frederickton.


For this: the Penobscot at this point approaches within two and a half miles of Moosehead Lake, and over this portage supplies are taken conveniently for the lumbermen of an extensive lumbering country above, along the river.

The go-cart slid down an inclined plane to the river, the Penobscot.

The Penobscot glimmered winningly.

Then, with a longing sniff at the caldron of Soggysampcook, we launched upon the Penobscot.

We might be sure that the Penobscot would not always flow so gently, nor all the way from forests to the sea conduct our bark without one shiver of panic, where rapids broke noisy and foaming over rocks that showed their grinding teeth at us.

A little stream, the Ragmuff, entered the Penobscot.

Penobscot mousseux. Thé.

When we issue from the Penobscot, from our baptism into a new life, we need no valet for elaborate toilet.

The Penobscot was all asteam with morning mist.

Chesuncook is a "bulge" of the Penobscot: so much for its topography.

Staunch and sound Birch needed to be, for presently Penobscot, always a skittish young racer, began to grow lively after he had shaken off the weighty shadow of Katahdin, and, kicking up his heels, went galloping down hill, so furiously that we were at last, after sundry frantic plunges, compelled to get off his back before worse befell us.

He tilted; he turned; he took in Penobscot,took it in by the quart, by the gallon, by the barrel; he would have sunk without mercy, had not Iglesias and Cancut succeeded in laying hold of a rock and restoring equilibrium.

However, during the first moments of the honeymoon, the happy pair, Mr. Penobscot and Miss Milly Noket, now a unit under the marital name, are gay enough, and glide along bowery reaches and in among fair islands, with infinite endearments and smiles, making the world very sparkling and musical there.

In 1778, in command of the thirty-two-gun frigate Raleigh, he sailed from Boston, fell in with two British frigates, and after a fight was forced to run ashore in Penobscot Bay.

For nearly two score miles this current, which eventually found its way into the Penobscot, wound through the leafless woods, past an occasional opening, where, perhaps, the humble cabin of some backwoodsman stood.

Q. What Rivers in Maine? A. Kennebec and Penobscot.

Co. (PWH); 1Oct56; R178301. FELLOWS, CORA L. History of the town of Lincoln, Penobscot Co., Maine, 1822-1928.

History of the town of Lincoln, Penobscot Co., Maine, 1822-1928.

Finally, she begged her father to let her make a winter retreat to some place near the headwaters of the Penobscot.

It is one thing to steer a pleasure-boat with a rudder, and another to steer a dory with an oar; one thing to paddle a birch-canoe, and another to paddle a ducking-float; in a Charles River club-boat, the post of honor is in the stern,in a Penobscot bateau, in the bow; and each of these experiences educates a different set of muscles.

98 examples of  penobscot  in sentences