4 examples of penuriously in sentences

Stop not here, nor penuriously cheat yourself of your reversions.

Martine herself lived at Sainte-Marthe, in a retired corner, so penuriously that she must be still saving even out of her small income.

He was unfortunate, and when he died, as many small tradesmen do, of bad debts and a broken heart, he left us beggars, and my mother came down and lived penuriously enough in that suburban street.

If the extent of the human view could comprehend the whole frame of the universe, I believe it would be found invariably true, that Providence has given that in greatest plenty, which the condition of life makes of greatest use; and that nothing is penuriously imparted, or placed far from the reach of man, of which a more liberal distribution, or more easy acquisition, would increase real and rational felicity.

4 examples of  penuriously  in sentences