18 examples of people are there in sentences

She must have heard and have known that people were there, trying to succor her.

If, as usually happens, other people are there at the same time, he rattles off his lesson at such a pace that it requires very good French scholars to even follow him; to remember what he says is out of the question.

How many people are there who habitually speak to a boy of ten, twelve, or fourteen with the same civility as to his sister, a little younger or older?

They wore furs but seldom; and in order to inure themselves to the coldness of their climate, they expose their new born infants, the fourth day after birth, naked under the sky-light, which they then open to allow the snow to fall upon them; for it snowed almost continually during the whole winter that Quirini and his people were there, from the 5th of February to the 14th of May.

Your people were there.

The avowedly Popish cathedral was crowded with worshippers; and, to the shame of Protestantism be it spoken, black and coloured people were there seen intermingled with the whites in the performance of their religious ceremonies!

"Where ignorance is bliss, 't is folly to be wise." How many people are there among us Christians who believe things which require quite as great an amount of faith?

But I have looked at them when people were there.

Well, lots of people was there and talked about us and about father and mother, and waited for grandma to come.

"How many people are there in the world who don't feel that if they had their rights they'd be a good deal better off in one respect or another than they are?

Early in the morning, they heard, all about them, sounds as if a camp of people were there.

Miss Mary Radford's people were there to meet her, and Ormond went up to London alone, beginning his short railway journey with a return of the melancholy that had oppressed him during the first part of his long voyage.

"I don't think many of the people were there that you met beforenone, I believe, but Sir Antony Thornhirst.

And what then, if it were not that cachorra after all? How many tens and hundreds of millions of people were there in the world?

Paid a visit not so beneficial, though many good people were there, and honourable too.

He stated that the expedition itself, carried on, as he understood it, mainly against the French traders, "was no concern of ours and would have been entirely disregarded by us; but in the execution of it some of our people were there, who went as well from motives of curiosity as to traffic in silverware; and six of whom were rashly killed by your men"

"Sure." "How many other people were there in the restaurant?" inquired Mr. Tutt.

What classes of people were there in Virginia?

18 examples of  people are there  in sentences